bnc45581 / Using-Awk

How to use awk commands.
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Overview #1

Open bnc45581 opened 1 year ago

bnc45581 commented 1 year ago

Awk is a versatile programming language that is particularly useful for text processing and manipulation. It operates on a line-by-line basis, processing each line and performing specified actions based on patterns and actions defined in the awk program.

Awk programs consist of a series of rules, each consisting of a pattern-action pair. The pattern specifies a condition that must be matched, and the action defines what action should be taken when the pattern is satisfied.

Here's a general structure of an awk program:

awk 'pattern { action }'

Awk reads input either from files specified as arguments or from standard input. It splits each input record (usually a line) into fields based on a field separator (FS), which is a space or a tab by default. The fields can be accessed using the variables $1, $2, $3, and so on.

Here are some key concepts and commonly used features in Awk:

  1. Patterns: Awk patterns define conditions for selecting records. They can be regular expressions, comparisons, logical expressions, and more. For example, /pattern/ matches records containing a specific pattern, and $1 == "value" matches records where the first field is equal to "value".

  2. Actions: Actions define what should be done when a pattern is matched. They can be simple commands or complex blocks of code enclosed in braces {}. Multiple actions can be separated by semicolons. For example, { print $1 } prints the first field of the matched records.

  3. Built-in Variables: Awk provides several built-in variables that hold useful information during processing. Some commonly used variables include NR (current record number), NF (number of fields in the current record), and FS (field separator).

  4. Control Flow Statements: Awk supports control flow statements like if-else, while, and for loops, which allow you to control the flow of execution based on conditions.

  5. Functions: Awk provides built-in functions for string manipulation, arithmetic operations, and more. You can also define your own functions within an awk program.

To execute an Awk program, you can use the awk command followed by the program and input files. For example:

awk -f script.awk input.txt

where script.awk is the file containing your Awk program, and input.txt is the input file.

Awk is a powerful tool, and its capabilities extend beyond this brief introduction. You can refer to the Awk documentation or online tutorials for more detailed information and examples.