bndr / pipreqs

pipreqs - Generate pip requirements.txt file based on imports of any project. Looking for maintainers to move this project forward.
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Problems with Python 3.11 #333

Open mickdewald opened 1 year ago

mickdewald commented 1 year ago

I upgraded my project to Python 3.11 und pipreqs stopped working.

Usually, I call it via REST API call just to list my libs (for dev and debug purposes) and with Python 3.11 it just hangs and nothing happens. When I run it in debug mode via ./venv/bin/pipreqs --debug I got the following output

❯ ./venv/bin/pipreqs --debug
DEBUG: Found packages: {'urllib3_secure_extra', 'optparse', 'curio', 'PySide2', 'mmap', 'csv', 'python_anticaptcha', '_cffi_backend', 'bit_generator', 'mypy_extensions', '__pypy__', 'trollius', 'pythoncom', 'brotlicffi', 'copy_reg', 'boto3', 'wsaccel', 'pyximport', 'ConfigParser', 'tempfile', 'zstandard', 'calendar', 'kombu', 'UserList', 'uwsgi', 'xlwt', 'fastparquet', 'tensorflow', 'org', 'msvcrt', '_winreg', 'ctags', 'pickle5', 'polling', 'asynctest', 'trio_typing', 'botocore', 'shutil', 'win32console', 'mpl_toolkits', 'aiodns', 'coverage', 'pdb', 'anydbm', 'tkinter', 'socketserver', 'fnmatch', 'win32process', 'railroad', 'olefile', 'tables', 'contextlib', 'number', '_frozenlist', 'locale', 'gc', 'colorsys', 'cchardet', 'sqlite3', 'ipaddress', '_multiarray_umath', 'pyquery', 'lockfile', 'urllib2', 'polling2', 'winreg', 'socksio', '_thread', 'mtrand', '_cmsgpack', '_testbuffer', 'reprlib', 'PyQt5', 'stringprep', 'numpy_api', 'dis', 'unicodedata2', 'curses', 'cycler', '_setuplibev', 'requirementslib', 'stat', 'orjson', 'cext', '_websocket', 'aio_pika', 'multiprocessing', 'simple_websocket', 'xarray', 'argparse', 'dbm', '_philox', 'base64', 'speedups', 'cStringIO', 'grp', 'imp', 'gmpy', 'pox', 'xdrlib', 'keyring', 'readline', '__future__', 'mimetools', 'pyczmq', 'v8eval', 'watchdog', 'StringIO', 'ast', 'tracemalloc', 'fcntl', 'slack_sdk', 'ntlm', 'monotime', 'pydoc', 'mem_policy', 'pkgutil', '_brotli', 'Tkinter', 'win32pdh', 'math', 'h2', 'IPython', 'dummy_threading', 'trove_classifiers', 'pipes', 'aiocontextvars', 'tabulate', 'UserDict', 'tokio', 'url_parser', 'mimetypes', 'tarfile', 'pymongo_auth_aws', 'win32con', 'numexpr', 'PyQt4', 'winkerberos', 'odf', 'netrc', 'win32api', 'xmlrpclib', 'cgi', 'testsuite', '_typeshed', 'objgraph', '_cffi', 'hypothesis', 'ipywidgets', 'keyword', 'array_interface_testing', 'sphinx', '_ctypes', 'py_compile', 'service_identity', 'atexit', '_proxy_steerable', 'zipfile', 'ordereddict', '_quoting_c', 'kubernetes_validate', 'Queue', '_abcoll', 'UserString', 'PyQt6', 'weakref', 'termios', 'typed_ast', 'Foundation', 'plistlib', 'runpy', 'shelve', '_aix_support', '_continuation', 'fsspec', 'PySide6', 'copy', 'rlcompleter', 'SimpleHTTPServer', 'enchant', 'statsmodels', 'scipy', 'code_generators', 'webbrowser', 'errno', 'blinker', 'adal', 'pip_api', 'qtpy', 'sympy', 'selenium', 'Numeric', 'numarray', 're', 'defusedxml', 'psycopg2', 'argon2pure', 'operator', 'tokenize', 'funcsigs', 'wsproto', 'bisect', '_multidict', 'dummy_thread', 'traitlets', 'xlrd', '_csv', 'gi', 'aioredis', 'marshal', 'gettext', '_umath_tests', 'uuid', '_osx_support', '_http_parser', 'pstats', 'PySide', 'zipimport', 'copyreg', 'getopt', 'kafka', 'openpyxl', 'binascii', 'paramiko', 'encodings', 's3fs', 'heapq', 'syslog', 'kerberos', 'xlsxwriter', 'timeit', 'codecs', 'shlex', 'struct', 'sklearn', 'pandas_datareader', 'unittest2', 'HTMLParser', 'jnius', 'snappy', '_pcg64', '_rust_notify', 'bcryptor', 'geventwebsocket', 'BeautifulSoup', 'pylama', 'codeop', '_device', 'fastpbkdf2', 'urlparse', 'pyu2f', '_generator', 'docutils', 'setuptools_scm', 'lib2to3', '_dummy_thread', 'lzma', 'wmi', 'simplejson', 'java', 'pymongocrypt', 'unicodedata', '_string', 'oauth2client', 'matplotlib', 'outcome', 'argcomplete', 'AppKit', 'cmath', 'pprint', '_pyio', '_frozen_importlib_external', 'urllib', 'genapi', '_frozen_importlib', 'mutex', 'win32com', 'com', 'tomllib', 'fractions', 'htmlentitydefs', 'cftime', 'disco', 'watchgod', 'ctypes', 'cPickle', '__builtin__', 'ttk', 'secrets', 'zlib', 'truststore', 'gmpy2', 'getpass', 'pyxlsb', '_wrappers', 'bdb', '_multibytecodec', 'python_socks', '_greenlet', 'wsgiref', 'difflib', 'numpy_distutils', 'BaseHTTPServer', '_mt19937', 'hashlib', 'tty', 'email', '_sfc64', 'auth_tests', 'selectors2', 'posixpath', 'pylab', 'idna_ssl', 'Cython', 'cares', 'linecache', 'concurrencytest', 'win32_setctime', 'pymysql', 'PyInstaller', 'compileall', 'fileinput', '_collections_abc', 'cProfile', 'ntpath', '_speedups', 'sys', '_psutil_windows', 'OpenSSL', 'gunicorn', '_ufunc', 'kazoo', 'sets', 'pty', 'textwrap', 'asgiref', 'flake8', 'dl', 'pexpect', 'bz2', '_setuputils'}
DEBUG: Found imports: __builtin__, __pypy__, _abcoll, _brotli, _cffi, _cffi_backend, _cmsgpack, _continuation, _device, _frozenlist, _generator, _greenlet, _http_parser, _mt19937, _multiarray_umath, _multidict, _pcg64, _philox, _proxy_steerable, _psutil_windows, _quoting_c, _rust_notify, _setuplibev, _setuputils, _sfc64, _speedups, _typeshed, _ufunc, _umath_tests, _websocket, _winreg, _wrappers, adal, aio_pika, aiocontextvars, aiodns, aioredis, anydbm, AppKit, argcomplete, argon2pure, array_interface_testing, asana_kazoo, asgiref, asynctest, auth_tests, BaseHTTPServer, bcryptor, BeautifulSoup, bit_generator, blinker, boto3, botocore, brotlicffi, cares, cchardet, cext, cftime, code_generators, com, concurrencytest, ConfigParser, copy_reg, coverage, cPickle, cStringIO, ctags, ctypes_snappy, curio, cycler, Cython, defusedxml, disco, dl, docutils, dummy_thread, fastparquet, fastpbkdf2, flake8, Foundation, fsspec, funcsigs, genapi, gevent_websocket, gi, gmpy, gmpy2, gunicorn, h2, htmlentitydefs, HTMLParser, hypothesis, idna_ssl, ipython, ipywidgets, java, jnius, kafka, kerberos, keyring, kombu, kubernetes_validate, lockfile, matplotlib, mem_policy, mimetools, monotime, mpl_toolkits, mtrand, mutex, mypy_extensions, ntlm, numarray, number, Numeric, numexpr, numpy_api, numpy_distutils, oauth2client, objgraph, odfpy, olefile, openpyxl, ordereddict, org, orjson, outcome, pandas_datareader, paramiko, pexpect, pickle5, pip_api, polling, polling2, pox, psycopg2, pyczmq, pyenchant, PyInstaller, pylab, pylama, pymongo_auth_aws, pymongocrypt, pymysql, pyOpenSSL, PyQt4, PyQt5, PyQt6, pyquery, PySide, PySide2, PySide6, python_anticaptcha, python_socks, pythoncom, pyu2f, pyxlsb, qtpy, Queue, railroad, requirementslib, s3fs, scikit_learn, scipy, selectors2, selenium, service_identity, sets, setuptools_scm, simple_websocket, SimpleHTTPServer, simplejson, slack_sdk, socksio, speedups, Sphinx, statsmodels, StringIO, sympy, tables, tabulate, tensorflow, testsuite, Tkinter, tokio, tomllib, traitlets, trio_typing, trollius, trove_classifiers, truststore, ttk, typed_ast, unicodedata2, unittest2, url_parser, urllib2, urllib3_secure_extra, urlparse, UserDict, UserList, UserString, uwsgi, v8eval, watchdog, watchgod, win32_setctime, win32api, win32com, win32con, win32console, win32pdh, win32process, winkerberos, wmi, wsaccel, wsproto, xarray, xlrd, xlsxwriter, xlwt, xmlrpclib, zstandard
DEBUG: Getting packages information from Local/PyPI
DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /pypi/__builtin__/json HTTP/1.1" 301 122
DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /pypi/-builtin-/json HTTP/1.1" 404 24
DEBUG: Package __builtin__ does not exist or network problems
DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /pypi/__pypy__/json HTTP/1.1" 301 122

... (the http calls continue for some time)

Is this a bug, or do I make a mistake? It worked perfectly with Python 3.10

I can provide more information if needed

linroex commented 1 year ago

trying to ignore dist folder (generated by PyInstaller), I has same issue and I found is dist folder

pipreqs --ignore dist/,venv/,__pycache__ --print
mickdewald commented 1 year ago

I can try that. For now, I am using an alternative library (pigar)

trying to ignore dist folder (generated by PyInstaller), I has same issue and I found is dist folder

pipreqs --ignore dist/,venv/,__pycache__ --print
momift commented 11 months ago

I can try that. For now, I am using an alternative library (pigar)

trying to ignore dist folder (generated by PyInstaller), I has same issue and I found is dist folder

pipreqs --ignore dist/,venv/,__pycache__ --print

Hi Micktg, your solution is the best

Thank you