bndtools / bnd

Bnd/Bndtools. Tooling to build OSGi bundles including Eclipse, Maven, and Gradle plugins.
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[bndtools] Create test bndrun for latest version of Eclipse #5815

Open kriegfrj opened 9 months ago

kriegfrj commented 9 months ago

The Eclipse version that we build against for Bndtools is typically a year or two behind the latest version. This is also the version that our existing bndtools.*.bndrun files launch.

It is not uncommon to hit bugs in Bndtools that only manifest in versions of Eclipse that are later than the baseline we are buliding/testing against (, It would be handy if we had a .bndrun in the workspace that would launch an Eclipse instance with Bndtools installed that could be used to test against a later version of Eclipse.

pkriens commented 8 months ago

@kriegfrj do you intend to open a PR?

kriegfrj commented 8 months ago

Hopefully soon, I'm prioritising the Builder enhancements.

pkriens commented 5 months ago

@kriegfrj could you move this to the 7.1 project and close this?

pkriens commented 2 months ago

@peterkir has some contributions here.