bneukom / ch.fhnw.mdt

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Multiple files and folder support lcc #2

Open bneukom opened 9 years ago

bneukom commented 9 years ago

Originally reported by: bneukom (Bitbucket: bneukom, GitHub: bneukom)

As of now multiple files with the same name in the Project are handled by the lcc compiler by just compiling one of them (eg test.c foo/test.c will result in only one compilation unit).

bneukom commented 9 years ago

Original comment by bneukom (Bitbucket: bneukom, GitHub: bneukom):

It might work with a make based builder which creates a makefile and calls lcc-mcore for all files in the projkect.

bneukom commented 9 years ago

Original comment by bneukom (Bitbucket: bneukom, GitHub: bneukom):

As of now I don't see any other solution as to implement a custom org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.AbstractBuildRunner in the builer. lcc can not handle multiple input and output files and eclipse MDT seems to be fixated on generating one final build artifact (which we probably don't have).