bnhf / openvpn-admin-plus

Docker-based web interface (with golang backend) for monitoring and admin of an OpenVPN TAP/TUN server setup with PiVPN or other OpenVPN server installations. This project has been renamed from pivpn-tap-web-ui, to reflect its new broader scope.
MIT License
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Missing info from GUI #54

Closed lucamancusodev closed 1 year ago

lucamancusodev commented 1 year ago

After running the container successfully I see no connected clients (I'm connected), no certificates and some errors. This is my stack:

version: '3'
    image: bnhf/openvpn-admin-plus:latest
    container_name: openvpn-gui-tap
    - CITY=...
    - ORG=team
    - EMAIL=...
    - OU=it
    - PIVPN_SERVER=server_5WvzCbfmkb2jPw63
    - PIVPN_CONF=server.conf
    - TZ=EU/Rome
     - "8080:8080/tcp"
    restart: always
     - /etc/openvpn:/etc/openvpn
     - ./openvpn-data/db:/opt/openvpn-gui-tap/db`

Senza titolo

bnhf commented 1 year ago


First thing to do is to take your current server.conf file and enter those values into the Configuration - OpenVPN Config section of the WebUI. You'll find many of the values are correct already, but you'll need to change the ones that aren't. This process will synchronize the WebUI's database to the in-use server.conf. Any future changes to the OpenVPN server configuration should be made through the WebUI. A few additional directives will be added automatically that will expose the OpenVPN Management Interface and make some changes to log file locations for persistence. Reboot your computer or restart OpenVPN once that's complete.

After OpenVPN has been restarted, you can then update Configuration - Settings to reflect the Management Interface Address you're using (usually, and the hostname of your OpenVPN server (used by your OpenVPN clients to find your sever on the Internet). Once you've updated and saved these settings you should begin to see full data in the WebUI.

Let me know how it goes.

lucamancusodev commented 1 year ago

Hi @bnhf

After some edits to server.conf manually and from the web gui now I finally see connected users and logs. The only thing left is that in the certificates section I don't see any certificates so I don't know when mine expires.

When I try to create one: Senza titolo

lucamancusodev commented 1 year ago

Edit: now I revoked all the certs and restarted again the configuration so I can see the certificates By the way I verified that in the "connected clients" it shows that I am connected even if I am disconnected many minutes ago

bnhf commented 1 year ago


Edit: now I revoked all the certs and restarted again the configuration so I can see the certificates

It sounds like you're getting things sorted out.

By the way I was able to verify that in the connected clients section I am connected even if I am disconnected

OpenVPN itself is somewhat slow in deciding that a given client is disconnected. It can take 15 or 20 minutes at times before the OpenVPN Management Interface is willing to report that a client is gone. It's pretty quick though to let the WebUI know someone connects.

lucamancusodev commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

aghosh0605 commented 1 year ago

Yeah it worked. We need to change both the config files in WEB GUI. Can you please add these stuffs in the document. It would help everyone a lot.

bnhf commented 1 year ago


Not sure exactly what you mean by "both config files in the WEB GUI". Let us know specifically what you had trouble with, and we'll see if we can do anything to improve the documentation.

The few people that have reported issues seem to be skipping the step of entering their desired OpenVPN directives through openvpn-admin-plus, and then restarting OpenVPN. This is an important step, as the OpenVPN management interface isn't enabled by default and there are some changes to the way logging is done as well.

If you have a current server.conf that's working for you, it can be opened in a second window, and the few values that need to be changed copied over.

Though manual editing of server.conf is possible (as done by the OP of this closed issue) to make these changes, it's not the intention of this project. The idea is to be able to manage everything through the GUI.

Probably best to open a new issue or discussion to expand on your comment here. Like all open source projects, we're at our best when multiple people contribute to make the project better.