bnicenboim / eeguana

A package for manipulating EEG data in R.
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Error message: "could not find function select" #109

Closed stonekate closed 5 years ago

stonekate commented 5 years ago

Hey Bruno, I'm getting a weird error message when I try to use select to select a channel, even if I specify eeguana::select. I tried updating eeguana, still get the error. Here's an example with fake data:

data_1 <- eeg_lst(
  signal_tbl =
    dplyr::tibble(X = sin(1:30), Y = cos(1:30),
                  .id = rep(c(1L, 2L, 3L), each = 10),
                  .sample = sample_int(rep(seq(-4L, 5L), times = 3), sampling_rate = 500)),
  channels_tbl = dplyr::tibble(
    .channel = c("X", "Y"), .reference = NA, theta = NA, phi = NA,
    radius = NA, .x = c(1, 1), .y = NA_real_, .z = NA_real_
  events_tbl = dplyr::tribble(, ~type, ~description, ~.initial,,,
    1L, "New Segment", NA_character_, -4L, -4L, NA,
    1L, "Bad", NA_character_, -2L, 0L, NA,
    1L, "Time 0", NA_character_, 1L, 1L, NA,
    1L, "Bad", NA_character_, 2L, 3L, "X",
    2L, "New Segment", NA_character_, -4L, -4L, NA,
    2L, "Time 0", NA_character_, 1L, 1L, NA,
    2L, "Bad", NA_character_, 2L, 2L, "Y",
    3L, "New Segment", NA_character_, -4L, -4L, NA,
    3L, "Time 0", NA_character_, 1L, 1L, NA,
    3L, "Bad", NA_character_, 2L, 2L, "Y"
  segments_tbl = dplyr::tibble(.id = c(1L, 2L, 3L),
                               recording = "recording1",
                               segment = c(1L, 2L, 3L),
                               condition = c("a", "b", "a"))

data_1 %>% select(X)

I also got the attached error about backports.rdb when I created the fake data. I don't think it's relevant but I'm attaching it just in case. backports_error

bnicenboim commented 5 years ago

What's the weird message? Can you try with dplyr::select? tell me what happens, please. Can you make another issue with backports error, could also post a reprex. Thanks!

stonekate commented 5 years ago

The weird error message was "No tidyselect variables were registered", but the fake data example above is working today. Also, my own dataset where it wasn't working was maybe an older-style eeg_lst... I tried with a different dataset and everything is fine.

The backports issue hasn't reoccurred, despite running the same code. Might have been a clash with some package I had loaded yesterday.... so I'll just close this. Sorry!