User story: As a reader, I want to be shown that the treatment groups are balanced on the average number of days between treatment and followup.
Because not all respondents participated in each wave at exactly the same time (such that the followup was 9 weeks after treatment for some respondents, 11 weeks after for other respondents, et cetera), we should confirm that the treatment groups are balanced on the time between treatment exposure and followup survey. Otherwise, this could bias the results.
[ ] create a variable in R representing the number of days between when a respondent took the treatment survey and the endline survey.
[ ] regress this days between surveys variable on the treatment conditions in order to confirm that the groups are balanced.
User story: As a reader, I want to be shown that the treatment groups are balanced on the average number of days between treatment and followup.
Because not all respondents participated in each wave at exactly the same time (such that the followup was 9 weeks after treatment for some respondents, 11 weeks after for other respondents, et cetera), we should confirm that the treatment groups are balanced on the time between treatment exposure and followup survey. Otherwise, this could bias the results.