bnomei / kirby3-feed

Generate a RSS/JSON-Feed and Sitemap from a Pages-Collection.
MIT License
62 stars 7 forks source link

Fatal error: Method Kirby\Editor\Blocks::__toString() must not throw an exception #31

Closed demlak closed 3 years ago

demlak commented 3 years ago

ok.. this seems to be a little bit complicated on read.. the final problem is: $item->text()->blocks() throws the error, when calling a site with a custom tag, which uses a custom snippet, that i made..

long story: i could not upgrade to kirby 3.5 yet.. but will in near future.. (my used template gets an upgrade soon)

i am using kirby3-feed and kirby3-video with a custom snippet for videos (i need a player with captions and quality selector - in my case i use

since i'm not a real- but more a hobby-coder, this code is for sure not good code.. but it worked. =)

 pattern for video files:

 pattern for vtt subtitle files (use two digit ISO-639-1 codes!):


$afterlasthyphen = "/[^-]*$/";
$qualitypattern = "/(\d{3,4})$/";
$cutname = preg_replace($qualitypattern, '', $video->name()) ;

$posterimage = Html::tag('img', null, ['src' => $posterurl, 'alt' => $alt]);
if ($video->siblings()->filterBy('filename', '^=', $cutname)->count()  > 1) {
  foreach($video->siblings()->filterBy('filename', '^=', $cutname) as $file) {
      preg_match($qualitypattern, $file->name(), $vidres);
       if ( (!empty($vidres[0])) AND ($file->extension() == $video->extension()) ){
        $videsourcetag .= Html::tag('source', null, ['src' => $file->url(), 'type' => $mime, 'size' => $vidres[0]]);
      } else {
        $videsourcetag = Html::tag('source', null, ['src' => $videourl, 'type' => $mime]);
} else {
  $videsourcetag = Html::tag('source', null, ['src' => $videourl, 'type' => $mime]);

foreach($video->siblings()->filterBy('filename', '^=', $cutname) as $file) {
      if ( $file->extension() == "vtt" ) {
      preg_match($afterlasthyphen, $file->name(), $langsrc);
      $langcode = $langsrc[0];
        $videsourcetag .= Html::tag('track', null, ['kind' => "captions", 'label' => Locale::getDisplayLanguage($langcode, $langcode), 'srclang' => $langcode, 'src' => $file->url(), 'default' => ""]);

$videsourcetag .= Html::tag('a', [$posterimage], ['href' => $videourl]);
$vidtag = Html::tag('video', [$videsourcetag], ['poster' => $posterurl, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'controls' => $controls, 'preload' => $preload, 'class' => $vidclass]);

if($caption) {
  $cap = Html::tag('figcaption', [$caption]);
} else {
  $cap = null;

$vidtag .= $cap;
$player = Html::tag('figure', [$vidtag], ['class' => $class]);


<!-- Embed plyr Player - CSS -->
<?= css([$kirby->url('assets') . '/css/plyr.css']) ?>
<!-- / Embed plyr Player - CSS -->

<!-- Video Player -->
<?= $player ?>

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "VideoObject",
    "name": "<?= $title ?>",
    "description": "<?= $caption ?>",
    "thumbnailUrl": "<?= $posterurl ?>",
    "contentUrl": "<?= $videourl ?>",
    "uploadDate": "<?= $modified ?>"
<!-- / Video Player -->

<!-- Embed plyr Player - JS -->
<?= js($kirby->url('assets') . '/js/plyr.min.js') ?>

  // Change the second argument to your options:
const players = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('video')).map(p => new Plyr(p, {

controls: [
      'play-large', // The large play button in the center
//    'restart', // Restart playback
//    'rewind', // Rewind by the seek time (default 10 seconds)
      'play', // Play/pause playback
//    'fast-forward', // Fast forward by the seek time (default 10 seconds)
      'progress', // The progress bar and scrubber for playback and buffering
      'current-time', // The current time of playback
      'duration', // The full duration of the media
      'mute', // Toggle mute
      'volume', // Volume control
      'captions', // Toggle captions
      'settings', // Settings menu
//    'download', // Show a download button with a link to either the current source or a custom URL you specify in your options
      'fullscreen', // Toggle fullscreen

settings: [
// Expose player
//window.player = player;
<!-- / Embed plyr Player - JS -->

now, when using kirby3-feed, to generate a RSS-Feed by parsing my journal entries, i get this error while trying to parse Block fields "$item->text()->blocks()" that include the kirbytag for the video (the tag calls the snippet above): 158babb76c8627fab4c696040b2ec0b38199ed4c

any idea on that?

demlak commented 3 years ago

Can be closed.. i fixed it by changing $kirby->url('assets') to kirby()->url('assets')