bnosac / udpipe

R package for Tokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing Based on the UDPipe Natural Language Processing Toolkit
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add dependency relationships #106

Open jwijffels opened 1 year ago

jwijffels commented 1 year ago
dep_rel <- list(
  "conjonctive_relation" = "Conjonction of elements of same pos",
  "argumentative_structure" = "Any core arguments structure",
  "acl" = "clausal modifier of noun (adnominal clause)",
  "acl:relcl" = "relative clause modifier",
  "advcl" = "adverbial clause modifier",
  "advmod" = "adverbial modifier",
  "advmod:emph" = "emphasizing word, intensifier",
  "advmod:lmod" = "locative adverbial modifier",
  "amod" = "adjectival modifier",
  "appos" = "appositional modifier",
  "aux" = "auxiliary",
  "aux:pass" = "passive auxiliary",
  "case" = "case marking",
  "cc" = "coordinating conjunction",
  "cc:preconj" = "preconjunct",
  "ccomp" = "clausal complement",
  "clf" = "classifier",
  "compound" = "compound",
  "compound:lvc" = "light verb construction",
  "compound:prt" = "phrasal verb particle",
  "compound:redup" = "reduplicated compounds",
  "compound:svc" = "serial verb compounds",
  "conj" = "conjunct",
  "cop" = "copula",
  "csubj" = "clausal subject",
  "csubj:pass" = "clausal passive subject",
  "dep" = "unspecified dependency",
  "det" = "determiner",
  "det:numgov" = "pronominal quantifier governing the case of the noun",
  "det:nummod" = "pronominal quantifier agreeing in case with the noun",
  "det:poss" = "possessive determiner",
  "discourse" = "discourse element",
  "dislocated" = "dislocated elements",
  "expl" = "expletive",
  "expl:impers" = "impersonal expletive",
  "expl:pass" = "reflexive pronoun used in reflexive passive",
  "expl:pv" = "reflexive clitic with an inherently reflexive verb",
  "fixed" = "fixed multiword expression",
  "flat" = "flat multiword expression",
  "flat:foreign" = "foreign words",
  "flat:name" = "names",
  "goeswith" = "goes with",
  "iobj" = "indirect object",
  "list" = "list",
  "mark" = "marker",
  "nmod" = "nominal modifier",
  "nmod:poss" = "possessive nominal modifier",
  "nmod:tmod" = "temporal modifier",
  "nsubj" = "nominal subject",
  "nsubj:pass" = "passive nominal subject",
  "nummod" = "numeric modifier",
  "nummod:gov" = "numeric modifier governing the case of the noun",
  "obj" = "object",
  "obl" = "oblique nominal",
  "obl:agent" = "agent modifier",
  "obl:arg" = "oblique argument",
  "obl:lmod" = "locative modifier",
  "obl:tmod" = "temporal modifier",
  "orphan" = "orphan",
  "parataxis" = "parataxis",
  "punct" = "punctuation",
  "reparandum" = "overridden disfluency",
  "root" = "root",
  "vocative" = "vocative",
  "xcomp" = "open clausal complement"