bnosac / udpipe

R package for Tokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing Based on the UDPipe Natural Language Processing Toolkit
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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no issue, just congratulations! #2

Closed randomgambit closed 7 years ago

randomgambit commented 7 years ago

amazing job, amazing package. I love the function (can you use dplyr::data_frame as well?). I hope the package will get better and better. what are the next updates?


dselivanov commented 7 years ago

no, no, no dplyr please. @randomgambit you can use it on your own if you really like it.

jwijffels commented 7 years ago

I have not plans to make this a dplyr dependency, on the contrary. I don't like the tidyverse package dependencies and was already reluctant to add the data.table dependency.

Next on my todo list is:

randomgambit commented 7 years ago

@jwijffels OK OK but please consider that whether you like it or not, many users use either dplyr or data.table. Something I really like is outputting the POS tagging into a data.frame for further use. Removing the data.table thing would be a big mistake in my opinion.

dselivanov commented 7 years ago

No one prevent of the usage of favorite tools. The thing is that data.frames are base R data structures - stable and tested. What @jwijffels have told - is that he doesn't want to have dependencies on these packages. He haven't told that he wants to remove I also try to keep number of dependencies small to some extent.

jwijffels commented 7 years ago

@randomgambit You can just use tibble::as.tibble on the output of the function to get it in dplyr format if you need that for your later processing.

randomgambit commented 7 years ago

@dselivanov @jwijffels OK perfect then! :)