bnprks / BPCells

Scaling Single Cell Analysis to Millions of Cells
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Element-wise substract between 2 matrices #61

Open buutrg opened 6 months ago

buutrg commented 6 months ago

Hi authors, thank you very much for the useful package, may I ask is there any upcoming plan for the element-wise matrix manipulations in the near future? I would like to do matrix a - matrix b element-wise but it seems now only rowwise works : ) Or I would really appreciate if you have any suggestions? Thank you very much

bnprks commented 6 months ago

Hi @buutrg, that's a great question! Elementwise matrix-matrix operations are not currently implemented, though they definitely make sense to have on the feature roadmap. (They're a bit harder than broadcasting matrix-vector ops because the sparsity structures of each matrix might change during the operation)

If you are interested in having the feature very quickly and have some C or C++ experience, I'd be happy to provide lots guidance and assistance to help you implement it -- I'm always looking for new contributors :)

Otherwise, I can bump it on my priority list for features to implement

buutrg commented 6 months ago

Sounds great! Happy to discuss more about this!

bnprks commented 6 months ago

Awesome! Just sent you an email so we can set up a time to call to go through the general steps and make sure the scope seems good

bnprks commented 6 months ago

Hmm, looks like the email address I found for you bounced -- could you try emailing me at bparks @ and we'll try to find a time?