bntjah / lancache

Improve download speeds and reduce strain on your Internet connection at LAN parties. Locally cache game installs and updates from the largest distributors: Steam, RIOT, Blizard, Hirez, Origin, Sony, Microsoft, Tera, GOG, ArenaNetworks, WarGaming, and Uplay. Super easy to setup with auto installer script!
174 stars 44 forks source link

Possible issue with xboxlive cdn's #137

Open VibroAxe opened 5 years ago

VibroAxe commented 5 years ago

Hey @bntjah, we've just found an issue on uklans/steamcache with the domain. They now seem to be serving all traffic on /image?url= which causes steamcache/generic to serve the same image for all images processed through this domain. Don't know if this affects you or not but as we got this particular domain from your unbound conf thought I'd drop you a note to keep you in the loop

More details info at

VibroAxe commented 5 years ago

We made the decision to remove the domain for the moment as it doesn't appear to be serving any bulk downloads