bntjah / lancache

Improve download speeds and reduce strain on your Internet connection at LAN parties. Locally cache game installs and updates from the largest distributors: Steam, RIOT, Blizard, Hirez, Origin, Sony, Microsoft, Tera, GOG, ArenaNetworks, WarGaming, and Uplay. Super easy to setup with auto installer script!
174 stars 44 forks source link

Flawless Setup - Cached downloads choking #143

Open Peon-SouthAfrica opened 5 years ago

Peon-SouthAfrica commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys,

Excellent software!

I used the standard lancache installer on Ubuntu 18.0.4

Just a question. Why would the downloads of cached steam games for example max out at 30MB/s?

I used HDparm to benchmark my disk in server and got 429MB/s. I copied an ISO thru SMB and got about 70MB/s.

Any ideas why the downloading of cached games caps out at 30MB/s?

Thanks fellas.

nexusofdoom commented 5 years ago

check this out

have not setup or tested at this point but it looks like this is the fix..

Peon-SouthAfrica commented 5 years ago

Thanks for repling Nexusofdoom,

Ive tried that solution. Still caps out.

Thats why I tried installing HAProxy and verifying all IP's in docker answer requests. Still cant get max speed.

billthecatt commented 5 years ago

Also.. Don't neglect the drive speed of the clients. Because this is a client/server model.. If you put all your eggs into making the server go fast and neglect the clients, you'll see some wierd things. I wasn't getting full speed out of my server until I put the same quality SSDs and work optimizing into the clients that I was putting into the servers... It's easy to forget until you think about it.. :)

Peon-SouthAfrica commented 5 years ago

Hi Bill,

Thanks for replying.

I managed to get Steam working correctly. And it was precisely as you mention. My problem was my setup in that the testing was done in a VM. As soon as I moved the setup into a dedicated PC with SSD Steam went back to normal.

The issue I face now is that Blizzard titles for example stutter at about 8Mbps when downloading uncached. When not going through the docker image i get my normal speeds of 10MBps which is my fibre line. Not sure now what to do.

billthecatt commented 5 years ago

My BFE wireless ISP caps me out at 1.1 which normally equates to 860 down .. so I don't have any info on what causes the difference between 8M and 10M.. but if I ever got 8M i'd be so happy I'd cry.. All of that to say, if you're getting 8M mebe you should call it good.. :) Glad you got your "client/server" issue sorted.