bntjah / lancache

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Enable IPv6 support #144

Open treysis opened 5 years ago

treysis commented 5 years ago

IPv6-DualStack setups sometimes make problems and require clients to disable IPv6, which means those hosts won't be able to reach IPv6-only resources anymore.

It shouldn't be too difficult to add IPv6 functionality into lancache. Would make it also more future ready!

billthecatt commented 5 years ago

imho, the correct way to fix DualStack issues is to simply disable ipv6.. I know thats a "head in the sand" way of looking at ipv6.. but we have so many end users that can't figure out ipv4.. ipv6 is going to have to get lots easier to use before it'll see rampant adoption by client software much less middleware like this.

I'd spend cycles doing anything else. (Sorry, i'm not an IPv6 fan, obviously..)

treysis commented 5 years ago

Eh yeah that's not a solution, if you already have other appliances that rely on IPv6. And IPv6 is already pretty easy, you just can't think of it in an IPv4-way. Actually, IPv4 is only so complicated now because of NAT and CGNAT. A problem that would not exist with IPv6 anymore.

chong601 commented 5 years ago

you can try to duplicate the existing DNS lists and set v6 addresses by and do necessary changes as needed. from a quick look, i don't see what can cause issues from the v6 addition, but do this with caution for sure