bntjah / lancache

Improve download speeds and reduce strain on your Internet connection at LAN parties. Locally cache game installs and updates from the largest distributors: Steam, RIOT, Blizard, Hirez, Origin, Sony, Microsoft, Tera, GOG, ArenaNetworks, WarGaming, and Uplay. Super easy to setup with auto installer script!
174 stars 44 forks source link

wargaming update issue #81

Closed nexusofdoom closed 5 years ago

nexusofdoom commented 6 years ago
location / {
    set $no_cache 0;
    if ($request_uri ~* "(/api/.*/*)") {
    set $no_cache 1;
    proxy_no_cache $no_cache;
    proxy_cache_bypass $no_cache;

this looks like it fixed my issue

bntjah commented 5 years ago

Cleaning up issues that are possibly no longer relevant. Closing this...