bntjah / lancache

Improve download speeds and reduce strain on your Internet connection at LAN parties. Locally cache game installs and updates from the largest distributors: Steam, RIOT, Blizard, Hirez, Origin, Sony, Microsoft, Tera, GOG, ArenaNetworks, WarGaming, and Uplay. Super easy to setup with auto installer script!
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Installation instructions - DNS overrides at gateway #84

Closed BloodyIron closed 6 years ago

BloodyIron commented 6 years ago

Hey, any chance we could get the installation instructions updated so we know which FQDNs/DNS Addresses need to be redirected explicitly to the lancache server? From what I'm reading, this setup is intended to operate separately from the gateway on a LAN, but rely on the LAN gateway to direct certain FQDNs/DNS Addresses to the lancache server.

As such, I am not sure which domains and such to override in the gateway D:

nexusofdoom commented 6 years ago

on your router or firewall you setup the DNS server to point to your lancache box. it does all the DNS not just the caching DNS. so if your firewall is using googles dns and your lancache box is you will tell your firewall the DNS server is

nexusofdoom commented 6 years ago

if you want to have your firewall only forward domains to your lancache the list of domains are in this file

BloodyIron commented 6 years ago

Ahh thanks!

BloodyIron commented 6 years ago

For the domains listed as "transparent" instead of "redirect", are those domains that are just forwarded to the next nameserver? If so, I think that means that I don't need to redirect from my gateway to the lancache for that specific domain. Am I reading this right?

nexusofdoom commented 6 years ago

you just need to do the redirect domains for your setup.

BloodyIron commented 6 years ago

@nexusofdoom thanks! :DDDDD

BloodyIron commented 6 years ago

Oh, one more question. For my configuration, do I need sniproxy? I suspect I don't since I think the traffic that the lancache would be handling at that point would just be HTTP not HTTPS. Please advise.

nexusofdoom commented 6 years ago

since I use sniproxy I have not tested in the way your are running it. you can try it with out and see.

brgerig commented 6 years ago

I'm guessing you'll still want to use sniproxy, since some of the redirected domains are used for https traffic as well as http. sniproxy makes sure that the SSL traffic still makes it through. (I'm firmly convinced that sniproxy is a large part of why this attempt at caching has been so much more successful that my previous one.)

In particular, I have a lot of requests in my sniproxy logs for various * domains. (I think I saw somewhere else that you were asking about windows updates.)

bntjah commented 6 years ago

Cleaning up issues that are possibly no longer relevant. Closing this...