bnw / firefly-iii-fints-importer

Import financial transactions from you FinTS enabled bank into Firefly III.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
152 stars 23 forks source link

enhance config to choose bank account in question? #40

Open prankousky opened 3 years ago

prankousky commented 3 years ago


I just started using firefly-iii recently, because I never got into it. I had tried the csv importer and it never quite worked for me, but when I found the firefly-iii-fints-importer by accident, I decided to give it another shot - and it worked perfectly :)

However, just now after using it for a few weeks, I had an idea I wanted to suggest, perhaps it might be of interest for other users as well...

Would it be possible to add parameters to the configuration? For example, my ING-DIBA bank account currently displays two different accounts when I try to import from it. It always chooses the first one by default (which is the savings account that I need to import the least) and wants to import it to bargeld (cash). However, I'd like to map it similar to this

  "bank_username": "my_username",
  "bank_password": "my_password",
  "bank_code": "yeahyeah",
  "bank_url": "",
  "bank_2fa": "944",
  "firefly_url": "",
  "firefly_access_token": "",
####### ADDED THIS #######
####### key would be the bank account DETECTED BY firefly-iii-fints-importer
####### value would be the corresponding account INSIDE firefly-iii
  "account_mapping": {
    "4552202": "IBAN259304709374552202",
    "4552203": "IBAN234235244334552203"

So that it would automatically import each bank account to it's corresponding account inside of firefly-iii. Hopefully, I explained this alright (English is not my first language). I don't have the programming skills to do this, but perhaps anybody else would be interested in this as well and might make a pr for this feature (or perhaps it's even interesting to the creator?)...

Either way, thank you for this tool. It is the only reason I finally started using firefly-iii and even though it's just been a few weeks, I wouldn't want to miss it!

BeNeDeLuX commented 3 years ago

I have more or less the same request. I need to manually link three real bank accounts to the three accounts in Firefly. If there is such a solution to map them in the configuration, it should be easy to automate the import process via a cron job if I'm right.