bo3b / 3Dmigoto

Chiri's DX11 wrapper to enable fixing broken stereoscopic effects.
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can't override textures #116

Closed doodlum closed 5 years ago

doodlum commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to override an unused texture in a shader so that I can inject a LUT texture.

I've added these lines: [ResourceReplaceTexture1] filename = ShaderFixes\LUT.jpg

[ShaderOverride1] Hash = 79ad392997e08cfd checktextureoverride = ps-t0

[TextureOverrideLUT] Hash = f3d023b3 ps-t0 = ResourceReplaceTexture1

But the texture isn't being replaced.

shader filename is 79ad392997e08cfd-ps_replace.txt texture i want to replace is Texture2D g_diffuseTexture : register(t0); dumped texture filename 002043-ps-t0=f3d023b3-vs=94de601497014a49-ps=79ad392997e08cfd.jpg

DarkStarSword commented 5 years ago

That looks correct to me. Try enabling track_texture_updates (game restart required) and see if you get a different texture hash. There's a performance penalty associated with that option, but in some games it is the only way to reliably match textures.

Also, if you create a frame analysis dump while that replacement is active, you can search through the frame analysis log file to see if 3DMigoto matched everything you expected. Search for the word "3DMigoto" in the log file to find everything that 3DMigoto did as opposed to the game.

DarkStarSword commented 5 years ago

If you don't mind I'm going to close this issue. If you require further assistance please ask on the shaderhacking or 3DMigoto channels on our Discord: or on the GeForce forums:

Edit: Maybe not the forums... nvidia just changed them and now I don't know where anything is.