board707 / DMD_STM32

STM32Duino library for RGB, Monochrome and Two-color led matrix panels
GNU General Public License v3.0
54 stars 18 forks source link

RGB p10 MAtrix Panel R1 G1 Pins #12

Closed miralay001 closed 1 year ago

miralay001 commented 2 years ago


I couldn't run the panel with R1 G1 B1 R2 G2 B2 input pins, how should I go about it? can you help me?

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-24 at 20 45 16 (1) WhatsApp Image 2022-06-24 at 20 45 16

board707 commented 2 years ago

Hi please be more specific about your problems with pins. Perhaps RGB Connecting Wiki page will be useful (it is in Russian, but can be easily translated by Google)

As far as i can see in the photo, you have p10 32x16 4scan outdoor panels. Such matrices often have non-standard wiring of LEDs, which must be managed individually. If you are willing to spend some time testing your panels, then I can help you find the right scan type for your matrices.

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

RGB Connecting I looked at the sample link page, the panel connections there start with R0 G0 My panel starts with R1 G1 I connected all the other pins as in the example link, but I could not get a picture from the panel. I am using your previous library as a single color without any problems. I could not run this library.

my panel starts with R1 G1 Do you think it's a problem?

I also tried with different Outdoor p10 RGB 1/4 and 1/8 panel scanning, no results.

board707 commented 2 years ago

my panel starts with R1 G1 Do you think it's a problem?

no, It doesn't matter. It's just a different notation, the first data pin may be indexed as R0 or R1 so R0G0B0 R1G1B1 = R1G1B1 R2G2B2

Please connect as above and try to run example dmd_rgb_pattern_test.ino

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

i will go through the links and test the dmd_rgb_pattern_test.ino example i will let you know

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

I tested the connections with socket and solder, I also used the sample test, no results, I activated ALTERNATIVE_DMD_TIMERS from the dmd_config file, I replaced the OE pin with PB9 and the result was like this

define DMD_PIN_nOE PB9

DMD_RGB <RGB32x16plainS4, COLOR_4BITS> dmd(mux_list, DMD_PIN_nOE, DMD_PIN_SCLK, custom_rgbpins, DISPLAYS_ACROSS, DISPLAYS_DOWN, ENABLE_DUAL_BUFFER); fg = dmd.Color888(255, 0, 0);

places i changed I also tried the other scan pattern

board707 commented 2 years ago

Please test with RGB32x16plainS4_DIRECT pattern: DMD_RGB <RGB32x16plainS4_DIRECT, COLOR_4BITS> dmd(mux_list, DMD_PIN_nOE, DMD_PIN_SCLK, custom_rgbpins, DISPLAYS_ACROSS, DISPLAYS_DOWN, ENABLE_DUAL_BUFFER);

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

I tested it with RGB32x16plainS4_DIRECT model, the result is like this, I used the same panel in pxmatrix, no problem, I want to use your library with stm32, can my connections be a mismatch in the right pins?

board707 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your testings.

I used the same panel in pxmatrix, no problem

What settings did you use in PXmatrix for your panels (scan, scan pattern, mux pattern) ? If you could send an example of code that is known to work with your matrices on PXMatrix, that might be helpful.

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

Working example with pxmatrix library

scan = 4 scans hatch pattern = ZAGGIZ setMuxPattern(BINARY);

The processor I use is atmega 328 Arduino pro mini

board707 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for code. This is somewhat strange, such a config should have given more reasonable behavior for the RGB32x16plainS4 mode in my library. What stm32 board are you using? How do you upload firmware? (STM32_bootloader, DFU or StLink?)

bilalibrir commented 2 years ago

Hello, I think that you have to use S2 mux binary not a direct one.

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

Kod için teşekkürler. Bu biraz garip, böyle bir yapılandırmanın kütüphanemdeki RGB32x16plainS4 modu için daha makul bir davranış vermesi gerekirdi. Hangi stm32 kartını kullanıyorsunuz? Firmware'i nasıl yüklersiniz? (STM32_bootloader, DFU veya StLink?)

arduino version i am using 1.8.13 I'm Programming over USB TTL stm32 card link


I just installed from scratch on another computer in your library the result did not change

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I think that you have to use S2 mux binary not a direct one.

hello I'm trying right away

board707 commented 2 years ago

stm32 card link


sorry, the board STM32f103_C6 is not supported by the library yet, just in plans.

For c6 board a different config is needed because it does not have TIMER4. In addition, the flash size of c6 is relatively small - 32k, and the bootloader takes another 8k from them, so even simple examples from the library cannot be loaded into the board without significant optimization of the stm32 core

I can send you a patch to help run dmd_rgb_pattern_test.ino example on your board, but it doesn't make much sense due to the flash size limitations

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-28 at 13 11 38

but my card is not STM32f103_C6

my card is STM32f103_C8T6

I noticed that my other cards I use are STM32f103_C6. I will try and reconnect with my current STM32f103_C8T6 card.

board707 commented 2 years ago

I will try and reconnect with my current STM32f103_C8T6 card.

Please select "Generic_STM32F103C series" board in Arduino IDE:

miralay001 commented 2 years ago

I tried again with stm32f103c8tb it just keeps getting brighter

maybe the stm32duino library I am using is wrong?

stmsn .

board707 commented 2 years ago

maybe the stm32duino library I am using is wrong?

Yes, the package you using is wrong. The only STM32 Arduino package supported is Roger Clarks's repo