board707 / DMD_STM32

STM32Duino library for RGB, Monochrome and Two-color led matrix panels
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Why Arial_Black_16_ISO_8859_1 won't work? #8

Closed Danilo277 closed 2 years ago

Danilo277 commented 3 years ago



//#include "st_fonts/SystemFont5x7.h"

include "st_fonts/Arial_Black_16_ISO_8859_1.h"

include "gfx_fonts/GlametrixLight12pt7b.h"

include "gfx_fonts/GlametrixBold12pt7b.h"

// We'll use SPI 2
SPIClass dmd_spi(1);

//Fire up the DMD library as dmd



// ----- Select pins for P10 matrix connection ------------ // pins A, B, SCLK may be any digital I/O, pin nOE should be PWM pin as PB1,PA8

// SPI specific pins as CLK and R_DATA has predefined values: // for SPI(1) CLK = PA5 R_DATA = PA7 // for SPI(2) CLK = PB13 R_DATA = PB15 // --------------------------------------------------------

define DMD_PIN_A PB11

define DMD_PIN_B PB12

define DMD_PIN_nOE PB1

define DMD_PIN_SCLK PB10


// --- Define fonts ---- // DMD.h old style font DMD_Standard_Font UkrRusArial_F(Arial_Black_16_ISO_8859_1);

// GFX font with sepatate parts for Latin and Cyrillic chars //DMD_GFX_Font GlametrixL((uint8_t)&GlametrixLight12pt7b,(uint8_t)&GlametrixLight12pt8b_rus,0x80,13); DMD_GFX_Font GlametrixBold((uint8_t)&GlametrixBold12pt7b,(uint8_t)&GlametrixBold12pt8b_rus, 0x80, 13);

/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup Called by the Arduino architecture before the main loop begins --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ void setup(void) {

dmd.init(); dmd.clearScreen( true ); //true is normal (all pixels off), false is negative (all pixels on) // set matrix brightness (0-255) dmd.setBrightness(80); }

/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loop Arduino architecture main loop --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ void loop(void) {


const char MSG = "Fran""\xe7""ais, ""\xd6""sterreich, Magyarorsz""\xe1""g"; dmd.drawMarquee(MSG,strlen(MSG),(32DISPLAYS_ACROSS)-1,0); long start=millis(); long timer=start; while(1){ if ((timer+30) < millis()) { dmd.stepMarquee(-1,0); timer=millis(); } } }

When I upload code to stm32 nothing is shown. Why? P.S. I tried to make my own font but the same thing happens. Thanks in advance.

Danilo277 commented 3 years ago

UPDATE if you adjust in DMD_Font.cpp bool DMD_Standard_Font::is_char_in(unsigned char c) { if (c < get_first() || c > get_last()) return false; else return true; }

to :

bool DMD_Standard_Font::is_char_in(unsigned char c) { if (c < get_first() || c > get_last()) return true; else return true; }

you can use up to 255 character. My next investigation is why the number of characters is limited to 255 (I need LATIN1 and LATIN2... about 400 characters ). If anyone has a suggestion please help. I think solving this "problem" will help many people. Best regards!

board707 commented 2 years ago

@Danilo277 There was an error in Arial_Black_16_ISO_8859_1.h font file, the maximum character index exceeded 255. I removed one character from the font and the problem went away.

Regarding to your second question - the number of characters in standard font is limited to 255 because char indexes are bytes and must not exceed 255. But for GFXFont situation is different - you cat attach two font structures to one font object (for example one for Latin chars and other for Cyrillic), so you can use more than 500 characters in one font.