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State Management and Multiplayer Networking for Turn-Based Games
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Heroku free plan ending. Alternative? #1092

Open rsandzimier opened 1 year ago

rsandzimier commented 1 year ago

Heroku’s free plan is ending November 28, 2022. This is going to break many projects that use Heroku. It will also make the documentation/tutorial less accessible, which may lead to fewer new projects using

Is there any discussion about free alternatives to heroku and updating the documentation accordingly?

nicolodavis commented 1 year ago might be a suitable alternative.

If we can get everything to work on a serverless stack then, Vercel and Netlify become options as well.

Juliano-rb commented 1 year ago

I'm planning to use the only difference I see until now is build time and time needed to wake up application after it goes to sleep. I'm planning to use firebase to host frontend and to backend in a final release.

Update: unfortunately free plan looks unstable, I'm noticing CORS errors and high latency.

vdfdev commented 1 year ago

There are many alternatives, most cloud providers have free tiers that should be enough to run a bgio server.

Shameless plug, a FOSS alternative is, but that operates in a different layer than something like Heroku, as it requires some adaptation to the code/framework.