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Angular client #131

Closed bmayen closed 5 years ago

bmayen commented 6 years ago

I'm looking into contributing an Angular client. While it's possible to write Angular in JS, it's really geared to TS. Before I go forward, what are your thoughts on contributing the Angular pieces in TS?

nicolodavis commented 6 years ago

I'm not opposed to it being in TS. If we find that it's difficult to make it work well with our setup here, we can always move it to a separate repo.

saintplay commented 6 years ago

This problem reminds me of how Storybook has their "clients" in its source code.

Storybook has support for many frameworks.

They have a directory for each framework

└── app
    └── Angular
    │   └── package.json
    │   └── // Angular dependencies and client
    └── React
    │   └── package.json
    │   └── // React dependencies and client
    └── React Native
    │   └── package.json
    │   └── // React Native dependencies and client
    └── Polymer
    │   └── package.json
    │   └── // Polymer dependencies and client
    └── Vue
        └── package.json
        └── // Vue dependencies and client

That way, for example, they can have a Typescript setup just for Angular, that doesn't mix with the other frameworks setup.

bmayen commented 6 years ago

A separate repo or monorepo would be preferable IMO. In addition to the TS compilation, there's also the concern about having all of the dependencies in a single, ambiguous package.json.

But for now I'll play around with everything as is and can decide what to do about this down the line.

vdfdev commented 6 years ago

By the way, this might be useful:

it is a first take on typing the api.

nicolodavis commented 6 years ago

React Native is now supported as of This could serve as a good reference for how to add other UI frameworks.

sedobrengocce commented 6 years ago

I can handle vue client if noone take it

nicolodavis commented 6 years ago

That would be great!

nicolodavis commented 6 years ago

@sedobrengocce I restructured the examples directory in Just FYI in case you've already started writing some code.

shirakaba commented 6 years ago

@bmayen @Felizardo I've now fully-typed the repo on my own branch (tracking progress on issue #190 ); will likely need to spend another week on it before I can make a pull request, but, as TypeScript users, I would greatly welcome either/both of you reviewing the pull request when it comes, if you possibly could.

vdfdev commented 6 years ago

@shirakaba Thank you! I will try to use your version on my project because it seems more complete :), and if I can improve it in any way I will contribute upstream :D

nicolodavis commented 6 years ago

@bmayen @sedobrengocce Just wanted to check in and ask if you guys are still working on the Angular / Vue clients respectively? Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

sedobrengocce commented 6 years ago

@nicolodavis I'm sorry, but at the moment i've some work issue and i cannot work on vue client.

bmayen commented 6 years ago

Same. Unfortunately, day job has gotten in the way for now.

nicolodavis commented 6 years ago

No problem! Just wanted to check if I could make a call for other volunteers that may want to contribute in this space.

amitport commented 6 years ago

working on an Angular compatible client (not much code reuse, but supporting same reducers and data structure)

nicolodavis commented 6 years ago

Why not just wrap it around the client in This is what React also does. The React layer is actually quite thin. If you follow a similar approach for Angular, you will be able to reuse most of the code.

amitport commented 6 years ago

@nicolodavis we're getting ahead of ourselves, I will publish a wrap around's client (almost done). I'm pretty sure that I will need refactor the client to be more Angular friendly, but I'm not there yet (we can discuss those changes when(/if) they will become clearer, and maybe push back to core client).

(besides, much of the code is non-core react code that still should be translated to Angular: debug-view, MCTS visualizer, examples, docs)

amitport commented 6 years ago

Initial client implemented.

nicolodavis commented 5 years ago

Closing this now. Feel free to reopen if there any issues that are relevant to the Angular client to discuss.