boaromayo / Ruinology

Prototype attempt for Ludum Dare 36, now experimental app. Lost in an ancient maze, get out before it collapses!
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Make procedural generation drawing and placing algorithm. #6

Closed boaromayo closed 6 years ago

boaromayo commented 8 years ago

I'm planning to put in a procedurally generated Zelda-like dungeon.

The factors should be that the rooms created should not go over the selected size of the dungeon, that the rooms should be different, some rooms should be locked, and that there should be dangerous hazards in some of the rooms, or something close to these ideas.

Note that the player cannot wield weapons, so enemies aren't included in the game.

Maybe something like this algorithm might be the closest thing for this game, even though it's for Unity.

boaromayo commented 8 years ago

I might make the Tile, Camera, and TileMap (or Room) classes first before tackling this.

boaromayo commented 7 years ago

Placed in a Maze class to represent the entire map of the game, made up of set number of Rooms.

Looks like I'll just place in a single text file to represent the entire maze...