boazarad / MMM-CountDown

Magic Mirror Module to count down to a specific date
MIT License
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Incorrect countdown number. #14

Open aunrea opened 4 years ago

aunrea commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to get the countdown to work for my timezone? I am GMT -5 but the countdown is GMT. At 7pm it changes the countdown number.

mattleonard2004 commented 2 years ago

Hello, not sure if you ever figured this out or maybe someone else will come looking for the same answer, but I found a work around for it.

In the config for the date of the event, you have the ability to add a time to it. Once you clued me in about the GMT time I just figured out that I was -7 GMT, so I added at least +7 hours from midnight to the start time of the event. That way the module won't think it starts until the afternoon of the day and that change added a day to the display feature. Fixed the problem for me. I also added the custom config to turn off the hours display, I don't like the look, I just want the days only.

Code sample below.

            module: 'MMM-CountDown',
            position: "top_center",
            config: {
                    event: "Grandma Comes to Visit",
                    date: "2021-11-04 12:00:00",
                    showHours: false,
                    showMinutes: false, 
                    showSeconds: false,
                    daysLabel: " Days",