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Support CoAP #41

Open beriberikix opened 5 years ago

beriberikix commented 5 years ago

CoAP is a protocol used in resource-constrained environments like IoT (see libcoap is a popular C implementation of the protocol and includes a trivial server example. Could libcoap be used with

boazsegev commented 5 years ago

Hi @beriberikix ,

Thanks for the question, I wasn't aware of CoAP until you posted this and I'm still reading through the links.

From an initial overview, I must admit that even though could support a CoAP application, it might not be the best fit.

CoAP assumes a stateless server, using UDP datagram messages rather than TCP/IP, while a lot of's library code is focused on managing stateful connections and managing tens of thousands of connections or more.

Also, CoAP assumes a constricted environment, sometimes with as little as 10Kb of memory space (possibly with no support for dynamic memory allocation). In contrast, when detects a failed memory allocation, it crashes, assuming an irrecoverable memory leak / error rather than a constricted environment.

Sure, there's a lot of code in that can be used for UDP connections or small footprint IoT communication, but it was designed for heavy loads.

If I had to design a working engine for CoAP, I'd probably use a lot of code from the core library... but I'm not sure is the best choice for light UDP loads, since it comes with extra baggage.

Kindly, Bo.