Closed TimoKramer closed 1 year ago
Looks good! The one thing I'd consider is ease of access from the command line tooling as well apart from the Web UI.
Ok, I took a look at xtdb's listen and it didn't look like that can stream :status
changes for us. So basically we would have to implement our own events.
Or we could use mulog?!
I found as an interesting thing for this problem
Apiserver needs to consume events for an events-endpoint | static request with no updates | use postgres | use rabbitmq streams |
deliver state | xt/q |
next/execute! |
environment.consumerBuilder() |
event streaming | query repeatedly client-side | LISTEN events |
environment.consumerBuilder() |
consistency | always consistent | there might be lost events between SELECT and LISTEN |
should be consistent |
effort | lowest effort | configure, connect and read/write postgres; problem when xtdb-backend is switched :worried: | java interop with streams-client; install streams-plugin :neutral_face: |
performance expectation | bad since whole datasets are queried repeatedly | supposedly good because PG :relaxed: | supposedly best because that's what it's made for :smiley: |
quirks | none, but not really a solution :expressionless: | FIFO queueing and LISTEN are more esoteric PG features :expressionless: |
seems to be the most straightforward solution |
Another thing to keep in mind is that we should start subscribing to stream when the request comes into /events
. We should not subscribe before as that would start accumulation on the api servers making them stateful.
Also we should check if RabbitMQ supports consumer groups. All of the APIServers form a single consumer and the read state should be treated like that.
Rabbit's equivalent of consumer groups is the Single Active Consumer pattern for streams. If I understand your use case correctly, you'd want all of your APIServer consumers to have this enabled so that only one of them consumes from the stream at a time.
@TimoKramer Just to kick the tires, tried this piece of code:
(ns rabbit.main
[ ConfirmationHandler Environment MessageHandler]))
(def stream "my-events")
(def environment (.. Environment builder build))
(def producer (.. environment
(stream stream)
(name "a-producer")
(def consumer (.. environment
(stream stream)
(name "a-consumer")
(messageHandler (reify MessageHandler
(handle [_ context message]
(println "This is a context:" context)
(println "This is a message:" (String. (.getBodyAsBinary message))))))
(defn publish
[producer ^String message]
(let [message (.. producer
(addData (.getBytes message))
(.send producer message (reify ConfirmationHandler
(handle [_ _])))))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; create the stream
(.. environment
(stream stream)
(publish producer "bar")
(publish producer "foo")
(.close producer)
(.close consumer))
seems to do quite well and should serve the needs. Leaving this as an example. Used this to start a rabbit instance for the test:
$ podman run -it --name rmq --rm -p 5552:5552 -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -e RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS='-rabbitmq_stream advertised_host localhost' rabbitmq:management-alpine
$ podman exec rmq rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stream
Rabbit's equivalent of consumer groups is the Single Active Consumer pattern for streams. If I understand your use case correctly, you'd want all of your APIServer consumers to have this enabled so that only one of them consumes from the stream at a time.
@coro I need all the apiservers to subscribe to a stream and all should receive all messages. Single active consumer seems to only send to the 'active' one and seems to be not the right fit as I see it. Will read the docs more closely now. Thanks! 👍
On further thinking I think we should NOT use the single active consumer:
request.GET /events
comes.Will think more, lemme know what y'all think of this?
Here are two ring handlers that implements a producer and consumer and sends SSE:
(require '[ring.core.protocols :as p])
(defn publish
[{{{:keys [message]} :path} :parameters}]
(let [msg (.. producer
(addData (.getBytes message))
(.send producer msg (reify ConfirmationHandler
(handle [_ _])))
{:status 200
:body {:message "Ok"}}))
(defn events
{:status 200
:headers {"content-type" "text/event-stream"
"transfer-encoding" "chunked"}
:body (reify p/StreamableResponseBody
(write-body-to-stream [_ _ output-stream]
(with-open [w (io/writer output-stream)]
(let [complete (promise)
consumer (.. environment
(stream stream-name)
(messageHandler (reify MessageHandler
(handle [_ _ message]
(doto w
;; SSE format: data: foo\n\n
(.write (str "data: " (String. (.getBodyAsBinary message)) "\n\n"))
(catch Exception _
(println "client disconnected")
(deliver complete :done)))))) ;; unblock
@complete ;; block til done
(.close consumer)
(.close output-stream)))))})
the first handler handles: POST /publish/foo
the second one handles GET /events
. eg: curl http://localhost:7777/events
One or more clients can make the GET /events
call and they all should start seeing the events from the beginning.
The consumer implementation is a bit convoluted with the way Jetty/Ring streams work, open to better ideas! The weird promise is there to cleanup the consumer. Couldn't find a way to check if the stream is closed to know when the client has disconnected. Catching the exception when the write fails and signalling seems to be the best idea i can think of now.
Another observation: most browsers would limit the total concurrent persistent HTTP connections to the same domain to some low number. 6 for HTTP 1.1 and 100 for HTTP 2/3 afaik. We can keep this in mind if this starts being a problem with things like multiple tabs. This isn't an issue in non browser clients.
Rebuilt the PR with rabbitmq stream and SSE.
For a dynamic web interface for Bob we need it to update based on some kind of event stream. The event stream should be provided by the apiserver since that is the point we are connecting to from outside. Updates on the status of pipelines should be streamed to all the consumers that are connected to the events-endpoint.
We could utilize server-sent-events for this or websockets. sse is the more lightweight approach and provides one-way communication what is what we need. There is a ring-middleware for it that seems to be all we need. websockets are also a widely used option and seem to be an adequate option as well.
We could also make the
-endpoint static and dynamic. For streaming events the consumer could send a GET-request with parameter like this?stream=true
. For manual requests we could offer some functionality like docker offers with its events-endpoint, namelysince