bob983 / hexo-multiauthor

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Installation procedure is error-prone #4

Open Hunter-Github opened 9 years ago

Hunter-Github commented 9 years ago

What is the theme that the plugin has been tested against? Manually fixing title.ejs is quite tedious and I haven't been able to make it work for the landscape theme. Ideally, the procedure should be fully automatic.

bob983 commented 9 years ago

Hi @Hunter-Github, I developed the plugin for our company blog ( which uses twbootstrap template from the old Hexo 2.x. I agree that manually editing templates must be painful (I know I did that :) ). Do you think it would make sense to provide patched landscape theme?

I'll think about automatic installation procedure.

Hunter-Github commented 9 years ago

@bob983 - an automated patching scheme would be ideal - you'd most likely want to adapt the plugin to other themes as well. I've been looking at NPMJS for a module to replicate diff and patch functionality from within the Node.JS world without calling any external utilities. Please also note that Hexo is at 3.0 now, there may be breaking changes between 2.x and 3.0 - it would be great if the clearly stated the compatible versions.

Of course, since it's for your company's use these are just "nice-to-haves". Thanks for opensourcing the plugin, BTW.

bob983 commented 9 years ago

Ah, good idea bout the versions. The plugin is meant for Hexo 3.x. I'll update the and I will definitely have a look whether able to patch existing templates.

I'll keep this issue open and update it once I know more.