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ZeroMQ communication issues #2

Open xiaoeric opened 6 years ago

xiaoeric commented 6 years ago

So after a couple hours of fiddling around with the build path I finally got the code to compile and deploy onto the robot without a massive compiler error saying that it can't find package org.zeromq when its literally right there I imported it and made it a referenced library goddamn it

So now that that's done I tried sending some data to the RIO but it doesn't seem to receive it somehow. My exact procedure was:

  1. Hold up the piece of metal the camera is mounted on (construction took off the intake so I had to hold this up myself)
  2. Check to make sure that the tape was clearly detected by the video feed
  3. Check that the program was outputting numbers
  4. Check that SmartDashboard on the driver station did not have a key called "Data" with a String assigned to it

Now I guess we look at the potential problems:

Potential solutions?

That's sorta all I can come up with right now so I hope one of these fixes it

xiaoeric commented 6 years ago

Ok so maybe its because the Jetson object in Robot is set to null? The sample code had null but idk if that would even do anything bc it's null. Let's try using Jetson jetson = new Jetson(); instead.