It's time to create a version of the oik shortcode blocks plugin that
only contains working blocks
does not have the "Preferred editor" meta box
does not have any "opinions" logic
Create a clone from v0.0.0-alpha-20181118 of oik-block and refactor source files.
We'll change the functions and files from oik-block/ oik_block to oik-blocks / oik_blocks
BUT we won't change the block names, retaining oik-block as the prefix to allow an easy switch over.
It's time to create a version of the oik shortcode blocks plugin that
Create a clone from v0.0.0-alpha-20181118 of oik-block and refactor source files.
We'll change the functions and files from oik-block/ oik_block to oik-blocks / oik_blocks BUT we won't change the block names, retaining oik-block as the prefix to allow an easy switch over.