bobbingwide / oik-bob-bing-wide

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Dashicon for admin-plugins doesn't display in the site editor #68

Open bobbingwide opened 1 week ago

bobbingwide commented 1 week ago

When I attempted to copy/paste some blocks from top-10-wp-plugins into a template part I noticed that the dashicon block didn't display anything for the admin-plugins dashicon. There were probably a few other icons it didn't work for. The odd thing was that it works fine in the block editor. What gives?

bobbingwide commented 1 week ago

Hmm, it works in s.b/wordpress editing the footer template-part with the Fizzie theme! image

But in the oobit-2025 child theme of Twenty Twenty-Five it doesn't appear in the editor but does appear in the sidebar!


I believe this is because dashicons hasn't been enqueued.

bobbingwide commented 1 week ago

It fails in s.b/wordpress with the Twenty Twenty-Five theme.

bobbingwide commented 1 week ago

I chose to attempt to rebuild the blocks with an updated version of wp-scripts. This wasn't as easy as it should be. npm run packages-update failed so I edited package.json with the latest devDependencies and dependcies from another plugin Then I got the classnames problem. And 3 Warnings about missing imports/exports from @wordpress/icons: archiveTitle, postTitle and queryTitle.

eg WARNING in ../../../../wordpress/wp-content/plugins/oik-bob-bing-wide/src/oik-dashicon/dashiconlist.js 28:8-25 export 'archiveTitle' (imported as 'icon') was not found in '@wordpress/icons' (possible exports: Icon, addCard, addSubmenu, addTemplate, alignCenter, alignJustify, alignLeft, alignNone, alignRight, archive, arrowDown, arrowDownRight, arrowLeft, arrowRight, arrowUp, arrowUpLeft, aspectRatio, atSymbol, audio, background, backup, bell, bellUnread, blockDefault, blockMeta, blockTable, border, box, brush, bug, button, buttons, calendar, cancelCircleFilled, caption, capturePhoto, captureVideo, category, chartBar, check, chevronDown, chevronDownSmall, chevronLeft, chevronLeftSmall, chevronRight, chevronRightSmall, chevronUp, chevronUpDown, classic, close, closeSmall, cloud, cloudUpload, code, cog, color, column, columns, comment, commentAuthorAvatar, commentAuthorName, commentContent, commentEditLink, commentReplyLink, connection, copy, copySmall, cover, create, crop, currencyDollar, currencyEuro, currencyPound, customLink, customPostType, desktop, details, download, drafts, dragHandle, drawerLeft, drawerRight, edit, envelope, external, file, filter, flipHorizontal, flipVertical, footer, formatBold, formatCapitalize, formatIndent, formatIndentRTL, formatItalic, formatListBullets, formatListBulletsRTL, formatListNumbered, formatListNumberedRTL, formatLowercase, formatLtr, formatOutdent, formatOutdentRTL, formatRtl, formatStrikethrough, formatUnderline, formatUppercase, fullscreen, funnel, gallery, globe, grid, group, handle, header, heading, headingLevel1, headingLevel2, headingLevel3, headingLevel4, headingLevel5, headingLevel6, help, helpFilled, home, homeButton, html, image, inbox, info, insertAfter, insertBefore, institution, justifyCenter, justifyLeft, justifyRight, justifySpaceBetween, justifyStretch, key, keyboard, keyboardClose, keyboardReturn, language, layout, levelUp, lifesaver, lineDashed, lineDotted, lineSolid, link, linkOff, list, listItem, listView, lock, lockOutline, lockSmall, login, loop, mapMarker, media, mediaAndText, megaphone, menu, mobile, more, moreHorizontal, moreHorizontalMobile, moreVertical, moveTo, navigation, next, notAllowed, notFound, offline, overlayText, page, pageBreak, pages, paragraph, payment, pencil, pending, people, percent, pin, pinSmall, plugins, plus, plusCircle, plusCircleFilled, positionCenter, positionLeft, positionRight, post, postAuthor, postCategories, postComments, postCommentsCount, postCommentsForm, postContent, postDate, postExcerpt, postFeaturedImage, postList, postTerms, preformatted, previous, published, pullLeft, pullRight, pullquote, queryPagination, queryPaginationNext, queryPaginationNumbers, queryPaginationPrevious, quote, receipt, redo, removeBug, removeSubmenu, replace, reset, resizeCornerNE, reusableBlock, rotateLeft, rotateRight, row, rss, scheduled, search, seen, send, separator, settings, shadow, share, shield, shipping, shortcode, shuffle, sidebar, sidesAll, sidesAxial, sidesBottom, sidesHorizontal, sidesLeft, sidesRight, sidesTop, sidesVertical, siteLogo, square, stack, starEmpty, starFilled, starHalf, store, stretchFullWidth, stretchWide, styles, subscript, superscript, swatch, symbol, symbolFilled, table, tableColumnAfter, tableColumnBefore, tableColumnDelete, tableOfContents, tableRowAfter, tableRowBefore, tableRowDelete, tablet, tag, termDescription, textColor, textHorizontal, textVertical, thumbsDown, thumbsUp, tip, title, tool, trash, trendingDown, trendingUp, typography, undo, ungroup, unlock, unseen, update, upload, verse, video, warning, widget, wordpress)

bobbingwide commented 1 week ago

I analysed the problem in