Custom taxonomies can be defined using oik-types.
The logic does not currently support user entry of a singular label.
When determining the singular version of the label it can produce unwanted results.
e.g. The custom taxonomy "Block Status" ends up with a singular label of "Block Statu".
Add support for entry of singular name
Display both plural and singular labels in the taxonomy list
Generate default if not entered by user
Proposed solution
Change admin\oik-taxonomies.php to accept the singular_name field
Update oiktax_register_taxonomy() to pass the labels array to bw_register_custom_tags() or bw_register_custom_category().
May need to move bw_return_singular_name() to admin/oik-types.php
Custom taxonomies can be defined using oik-types. The logic does not currently support user entry of a singular label. When determining the singular version of the label it can produce unwanted results. e.g. The custom taxonomy "Block Status" ends up with a singular label of "Block Statu".
Proposed solution
array to bw_register_custom_tags() or bw_register_custom_category().