Closed bobbingwide closed 2 years ago
Having resolved the first part of the problem it now appears that the override logic attempt to respect the flex layout request specified on the query block works.
<!-- wp:query {"queryId":3,"query":{"perPage":8,"pages":0,"offset":0,"postType":"bigram","categoryIds":[],"tagIds":[],"order":"desc","orderBy":"date","author":"","search":"","exclude":[],"sticky":"","inherit":true},"layout":{"type":"flex","columns":4}} -->
The attribute is now called displayLayout
is for the Layout settings toggle: Inherit default layout
SB v0.2.1 now delivered supporting Gutenberg 13.1.0. Closing therefore.
It happened with Fizzie and again with SB. The logic run when Gutenberg finds a query-loop block is flawed and leads to a Fatal error for each query-loop block.
We need to update SB for Gutenberg 11.2.0.
The query-loop override implemented for the home page needs to be applied to work against the post-template block.