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Measuring effect on server response of the Top 12 WordPress plugins
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Enable easier detection of batch commands in daily trace summary files #15

Open bobbingwide opened 3 years ago

bobbingwide commented 3 years ago

While analysing the daily trace summary file from my local machine ( s.b/wordpress ) I noted that some of the requests logged as being to the home URL were actually batch invocations run under oikwp.

Sample output for an oikwp batch command was:


Sample output for a wp cli command was:

\d_drive\dos\wp-cli.phar plugin list,,4.589548,7.4.0,1286,5436,1224,29,1556,40,37,21,41,0.14247679710388,C:/apache/htdocs/wordpress/bwtrace3/bwtrace.cli,275,220,70765,,4.588934,2021-01-04T20:47:19+00:00,,GET

oikwp batch commands can be detected by a null IP address.