bobbyali / kidsvidz

KidsVidz - Simple and Safe iOS YouTube player for young children
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Rotation bug - won't render upsidedown properly #1

Closed bobbyali closed 9 years ago

bobbyali commented 9 years ago

The screen won't render properly when screen orientation is set to PortraitUpsideDown (i.e. after 2 successive orientation changes in the same direction).

bobbyali commented 9 years ago

I'm tracking the orientation in these lines with this code:

let rotationVal = UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarOrientation.rawValue

When I load the simulator (typically iPhone 5/6) and do rotations, I see the following values produced:

Rotated 1 h: 548.0 w: 320.0
Rotated 4 h: 320.0 w: 568.0
Rotated 4 h: 320.0 w: 568.0
Rotated 3 h: 320.0 w: 568.0
Rotated 1 h: 548.0 w: 320.0

i.e. it skips value 2 after two turns (when it is in PortraitUpsideDown mode). When this happens, and the current rotationVal is repeated (either 3 or 4), and the screen height/width attributes don't update properly, the screen doesn't update properly (see screenshot below). I can't figure out why this is happening.


bobbyali commented 9 years ago

After chat with Tudor:

Deployment settings - need to enable "Upside Down"!

    override func supportedInterfaceOrientations() -> Int{
        return Int(UIInterfaceOrientationMask.All.rawValue)

override func shouldAutoRotate

Also see screenshot at

bobbyali commented 9 years ago

Tudor figured this out: