bobc / bare-metal-sam3x

Bare bones projects for SAM3X (Arduino Due)
MIT License
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Bossac Version #2

Open cmahner opened 5 years ago

cmahner commented 5 years ago

Just wanted to let you know that only version 1.7 of bossac will work to flash the Arduino Due. Since 1.8 was released not only older versions won't work, even the newer version seems to be broken for this device.

Btw i want to thank you for the hint with the version issue. I was trying to get the Due running with minimal bare metal startup code for days and already started to wonder why even the easiest examples are not running, even if same bossac version worked sucessfull with the arduino libarary. Truly the size seems to be a good explenation for this strange behaviour, since the binary is about 30 to 40kB with, and just some hundreds of bytes without the library.

Best regards

iddq commented 1 year ago

Yes it is supported by Bossa

CtrlC-Root commented 1 year ago

I've only been able to flash it with Bossa 1.8 through the native port using this procedure:

# Native USB flashing:
# 1: hold ERASE button down for a few seconds and then press RESET
# 2: verify bootloader is active with:
#   $ bossac --port=/dev/ttyACM0 -U --info
# 3: if bootloader not active, repeat from step 1
# 4: flash program with:
#   $ bossac --port=/dev/ttyACM0 -U --erase --write --verify --boot ./build.bin
# 5: reset board with:
#   $ bossac --port=/dev/ttyACM0 -U --reset

I can't even get it to recognize the board using the ATMega USB port. Now that I've read this I'll try it with version 1.7 to see if that one works.

iddq commented 1 year ago

-U is force to USB