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Update... would it make sense? #34

Closed boelle closed 5 years ago

boelle commented 6 years ago

as per subject would it make sense to update Ramps FD ? are there any improvements that could be made?

boelle commented 6 years ago

problem with the drivers are that a lot of misinformation flows on the internet

i have so far only seen one on youtube that did more serious testing where he got the temp of 2130 and 2208 and compared them. and because 2208 is proven to run cooler than 2130 and they can handle a little more amps that is why im more interested in 2208

craftoscar commented 6 years ago

problem with the drivers are that a lot of misinformation flows on the internet is this whom you are talking about?

if yes, then he is the person who gives very clear and in detail explain to the facts behind the specs. which is depends on RDS of those chip, and this is just another reason why I still stick on DVR 8825s

it has RDS range form 0.2 to 0.32 Ω compared to Trinamiscs are 0.4 to 0.6 and 0.28 to 0.39 for TMC 2130 and TMC2208s respectly.

those number implies that TI's drivers are more power efficient when doing it's jobs!

boelle commented 6 years ago

i only buy TMC drivers from Watterot in germany and no cheap china build ones :-D

but yes that youtube guy is one of a few that does a great job explaining what nobody wants to hear: you need to do your researh before you do anything :-P

boelle commented 6 years ago


am i correct that has what is needed except wires for 2130/2208 ?

bobc commented 6 years ago

Yes, I think so. Bear in mind that version is completely untested, use at own risk etc.

boelle commented 6 years ago

yep, there is nothing like being the guinea pig :-D

My plan is to get a stack of boards made and slowly assemble one testing as i get along

But not sure when that will be

boelle commented 6 years ago


So i got the projects list cleared and will now get this one ready so i can order a few boards and start to assemble one

i know it does not matter right now but on some 3d shapes are missing

a few of them are:

rmc_packages3d/Keystone/keystone-PN3568-k.wrl rmc_packages3d/misc/fuse-mini-bussman-20A-k.wrl walter/conn_screw/mstba_2,5-4-g-5,08.wrl

are those published on your other repros or are they taken from somewhere else?

boelle commented 6 years ago

oh, and sorry to bother again

do you have any part numbers you can recommend for P101, P107 and P108 (biggest screw terminals)

those 3 are about the only parts i have not found so far

boelle commented 6 years ago


found part numbers for those screw terminals so no worries there

but i looked at P801 and P802 and since they are for endstops i wonder why they are not next to each other so they form a 3 way connector for each endstop

is it so that the connector can be keyed to prevent it going in the wrong way?

craftoscar commented 6 years ago

@bobc Would it possible to add this LM4040 precision voltage reference along with RAMPS-FD? I find some problem for my AD8495 thermocouple AMP with DRV8825 stepper drivers. My config is hoock AD8495 on to RAMPS-FD 'S A4 PIN and supply it with nearby 3.3v around AUX- 1region, I got some temperature spikes after moving my printer's carriage in x+ direction

I do some home works, found out it probably related to this,22502,22521#msg-22521

I think that would probably tribute by DRV8825 pulls down some ref. voltage form DUE, even thought I already supply my stepper drivers with a separate PSU

4Joe commented 6 years ago

I have made this pcb through a PCB Service company in China for personal interest. Does anyone would like to share the update BOM of this board?

boelle commented 6 years ago

i have made a BOM for v2.3:

it has NOT been checked by me or anybody else

4Joe commented 6 years ago

Is there significant difference between v2. 2 and 2.3?

yyf2009 commented 6 years ago

@bobc In the V2.3 version, the temperature control circuit has been changed. Does this have any effect on the actual measured temperature?

yyf2009 commented 6 years ago

I want to produce a ramps_fd v2.3 board, but I don't know if this temperature will be accurate? After all, this schematic has changed.

bruce356 commented 6 years ago

@yyf2009 , thanks, lets hope @bobc gets back to you regarding the temperature control circuit. regards - bruce

boelle commented 6 years ago

@bruce356 & @yyf2009

it would make more sense to start an issue here:

that is where development happens

if @bobc dont want to get to much involved anymore i can understand him.

he and another put much time in to it and some well know company from china did a bad move flodding the market with the first version that was not safe. Even thou this well know company got many warnings they spammed the market with unsafe boards and gave Ramps FD a very bad name. So a lot of work and only a bad rep left. I myself would have given up

since there are only very "expensive" 32 bit boards out there i still think Ramps FD can have its place

What we need is people with knowledge of schematics and electronics design. My own skills are VERY limited. But i have kicked some Kicad skills in to myself so i can build a schematic in kicad and i can do simple board work (Remeber SIMPLE)

What i have on my desktop is the board as it is on

I fixed a lot of 3d shape stuff, it does not change anything but hey why not have some eye candy if it not that much work

bobc commented 6 years ago

Does this have any effect on the actual measured temperature?

I removed the over-voltage protection, so it should be more accurate.

As I have said numerous times before:

1 - I don't have time, facilities or inclination to do further development work on RAMPS-FD.

2 - The schematics and PCB layout in the dev branch are UNTESTED and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you don't understand why there are changes in the schematic, you should not be using them!

The designs are provided for the interest of anyone who wishes to use them within the terms of the GPL.

boelle commented 6 years ago

that is also why i kind of suggested that if Ramps FD should move forward we need more people on board that has the skills that it takes. i for sure does not have all the skills needed, some i have but not all

and not to be rude or anything but @yyf2009 does not have the skills as he asks questions about the schematic. but he might be a top PCB maker.

on that regard i can only compare the thermistor part of the schematic to what i know that works and that is the Ramps 1.4 board. since they to me look the same that is not where i'm worried

and the stepper driver part also looks very familiar to ramps

where i would start to sweat and get nervous is adding onboard support for watterott's TMC2130 and TMC2208, i could start the work by my confidence level is not high enough and i need someone else to check my work.

its not a simple task as both SPI needs to be routed to each driver and also individual serial lines

bobc commented 5 years ago

I would appreciate it if you found somewhere else to communicate instead of spamming my repo. Frankly, I shouldn't have to ask.

Further abuse will result in being blocked.

yyf2009 commented 5 years ago

@bobc I am very sorry, please forgive me for my mistake.