bobderrico80 / rhythm-randomizer-v2

Version 2 of the Rhythm Randomizer project
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

I18n for Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) #94

Open adrinerandrade opened 10 months ago

adrinerandrade commented 10 months ago

Hello, I'm from Brazil and I find your project very intriguing.

I would like to contribute by offering a Brazilian Portuguese translation. While reviewing your code, I noticed that the translation file isn't housed in the repository but rather in a Google Sheet.

Could you provide me with the terms in English so I can translate them into Portuguese? I plan to offer volunteer music lessons, and I believe your application can help people gain a better understanding of tempo and rhythm.

Thank you!

adrinerandrade commented 10 months ago

I'm already putting all terms I found in English in Brazilian Portuguese, to help. If there's any term that is not included, just tell me.

New Rhythm=Novo Ritmo
Start Playback=Reproduzir
Start Metronome=Iniciar Metrônomo
Share Settings=Compartilhar Configurações
Share link copied to clipboard!=Link de compartilhamento copiado para a área de transferência!
Playback Settings=Configurações de reprodução
Tempo Settings=Configurações de tempo
Pitch Settings=Configurações de tonalidade
Metronome Settings=Configurações de metrônomo
Play metronome during playback=Tocar o metrônomo durante a reprodução
Start-of-measure click=Tocar preparação para a reprodução
Subdivision click=Tocar subdivisão
Count-off click=Contagem regressiva
Measure=Barras de compasso
Measure Count Selection=Quantidade de barras de compasso
Total measures=Total de barras de compasso
Simple Meter=Compasso simples
Alla Breve Meter=Compasso binário
Compound Meter=Compasso composto
Note Selection=Seleção de notas
Basic Notes=Notas básicas
Basic Rests=Pausas básicas
Simple beamed notes=Notas com Colchetes Simples
Mixed Beamed Notes=Notas com Colchetes Mistos
8th Rest Combinations=Combinações de Pausa de Colcheia
Dotted Note Combinations=Combinações de notas pontuadas
Syncopated Combinations=Combinações de Síncopas

// If you want the application name too
The Rhythm Randomizer=Gerador Aleatório de Ritmo