bobfang1992 / pytomlpp

A python wrapper for tomlplusplus
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Document why some TOML tests are skipped #20

Closed EpicWink closed 4 years ago

EpicWink commented 4 years ago

Some tests are declared as being skipped. These should be documented as to why in the test code

marzer commented 4 years ago

I can offer insight here: it's because that TOML test suite was written to target TOML 0.4.0 and has not been updated since; there's a number of tests that would be false-negatives against a newer TOML parser (e.g. mixed-type arrays).

There's a complementary set of tests updated to support 1.0.0-rc1 here: They're designed to plug in to the same test harness as the BurntSushi ones so they can be used side-by-side. Might be worth adding these too, @bobfang1992.

Side note: I haven't actually tested toml++ against any of these tests directly, since the integrations required in C++ are a bit tedious. I opted to add matching cases to the internal catch2-based test suite instead. There might be one or two compliance cases I've missed; I'd be keenly interested in finding out if you discover anything fun.

EpicWink commented 4 years ago

Perhaps adding the iarna/toml-spec-tests suite is the way to go, especially as we only need the TOML and JSON files

Edit: specifically adding, not replacing with

marzer commented 4 years ago

I think using both and opting out of some of the 0.4.0-specific tests (as in the current behaviour) is the right approach, since iarna's tests don't cover some of the basics and are intended to be used in a complementary fashion alongside BurntSushi's.

That being said, the TOML group are working on bringing these together in one official place at, though that work is ongoing (more info here).

EpicWink commented 4 years ago

57b3d68 Documents these tests, finishing this issue