Was on the fence over creating an issue vs opening a pr. Mostly just wondering if there was any interest in allowing all of the status values supported by the Github Api https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/deployments#create-a-deployment-status.
We are using this action to update our deployment statuses and in the near future I could see us needing to use the 'queued' or 'pending' statuses, which are currently rejected as "unexpected" here.
Was on the fence over creating an issue vs opening a pr. Mostly just wondering if there was any interest in allowing all of the status values supported by the Github Api https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/deployments#create-a-deployment-status. We are using this action to update our deployment statuses and in the near future I could see us needing to use the 'queued' or 'pending' statuses, which are currently rejected as "unexpected" here.