bobhelander / EDForceFeedback

Elite Dangerous Force Feedback
MIT License
33 stars 11 forks source link

Exception HRESULT: [0x80040205] #11

Open maticus91 opened 3 years ago

maticus91 commented 3 years ago

Hey Bob, a great tool you made for FFB. I'm using a sidewinder FFB2 but I'm getting this error right now.

DeviceName: Mouse: ProductGuid 6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 DeviceName: Keyboard: ProductGuid 6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000 DeviceName: Input Director Virtual Device: ProductGuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Programmable Hotkeys: ProductGuid 508106a3-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Input Director Virtual Device: ProductGuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: HID: ProductGuid 200028de-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Razer BlackWidow Chroma: ProductGuid 02031532-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Corsair composite virtual input device: ProductGuid 1bf01b1c-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Razer BlackWidow Chroma: ProductGuid 02031532-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Razer BlackWidow Chroma: ProductGuid 02031532-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Razer BlackWidow Chroma: ProductGuid 02031532-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Razer DeathAdder Elite: ProductGuid 005c1532-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: CH PRO PEDALS USB : ProductGuid 00f2068e-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Razer DeathAdder Elite: ProductGuid 005c1532-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: Razer DeathAdder Elite: ProductGuid 005c1532-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 DeviceName: SideWinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick: ProductGuid 001b045e-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 Found Joystick/Gamepad SideWinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick Effect available GUID_ConstantForce Effect available GUID_RampForce Effect available GUID_Square Effect available GUID_Sine Effect available GUID_Triangle Effect available GUID_SawtoothUp Effect available GUID_SawtoothDown Effect available GUID_Spring Effect available GUID_Damper Effect available GUID_Inertia Effect available GUID_Friction Effect available GUID_CustomForce File Effect available Cargo.ffe File Effect available Dock.ffe File Effect available FlightAssistOff.ffe File Effect available Gear.ffe File Effect available Hardpoints.ffe File Effect available Landed.ffe File Effect available Vibrate.ffe File Effect available VibrateSide.ffe Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:01Z", "event": "Fileheader", "part": 1, "language": "English\UK", "gameversion": "Fleet Carriers Update - Patch 8", "build": "r250925/r0 " } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:01Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "NoTrack" } StatusEvent Status.InMainMenu:True Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:01Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "MainMenu" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:18Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "ViperXPRacer" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:18Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "Genghis Christ" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:24Z", "event": "Commander", "FID": "F1848152", "Name": "KING_noslrac" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:24Z", "event": "Materials", "Raw": [ { "Name": "sulphur", "Count": 200 }, { "Name": "iron", "Count": 11 }, { "Name": "nickel", "Count": 49 }, { "Name": "carbon", "Count": 299 }, { "Name": "phosphorus", "Count": 180 }, { "Name": "chromium", "Count": 32 }, { "Name": "selenium", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "germanium", "Count": 24 }, { "Name": "manganese", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "vanadium", "Count": 5 }, { "Name": "niobium", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "lead", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "zinc", "Count": 25 }, { "Name": "rhenium", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "arsenic", "Count": 6 } ], "Manufactured": [ { "Name": "basicconductors", "Name_Localised": "Basic Conductors", "Count": 5 }, { "Name": "wornshieldemitters", "Name_Localised": "Worn Shield Emitters", "Count": 78 }, { "Name": "shieldemitters", "Name_Localised": "Shield Emitters", "Count": 105 }, { "Name": "galvanisingalloys", "Name_Localised": "Galvanising Alloys", "Count": 78 }, { "Name": "shieldingsensors", "Name_Localised": "Shielding Sensors", "Count": 57 }, { "Name": "phasealloys", "Name_Localised": "Phase Alloys", "Count": 38 }, { "Name": "crystalshards", "Name_Localised": "Crystal Shards", "Count": 24 }, { "Name": "uncutfocuscrystals", "Name_Localised": "Flawed Focus Crystals", "Count": 72 }, { "Name": "heatresistantceramics", "Name_Localised": "Heat Resistant Ceramics", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "chemicalprocessors", "Name_Localised": "Chemical Processors", "Count": 39 }, { "Name": "filamentcomposites", "Name_Localised": "Filament Composites", "Count": 23 }, { "Name": "protoheatradiators", "Name_Localised": "Proto Heat Radiators", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "mechanicalequipment", "Name_Localised": "Mechanical Equipment", "Count": 15 }, { "Name": "precipitatedalloys", "Name_Localised": "Precipitated Alloys", "Count": 30 }, { "Name": "chemicaldistillery", "Name_Localised": "Chemical Distillery", "Count": 18 }, { "Name": "protolightalloys", "Name_Localised": "Proto Light Alloys", "Count": 10 }, { "Name": "focuscrystals", "Name_Localised": "Focus Crystals", "Count": 23 }, { "Name": "heatexchangers", "Name_Localised": "Heat Exchangers", "Count": 1 }, { "Name": "heatdispersionplate", "Name_Localised": "Heat Dispersion Plate", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "conductiveceramics", "Name_Localised": "Conductive Ceramics", "Count": 5 }, { "Name": "thermicalloys", "Name_Localised": "Thermic Alloys", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "salvagedalloys", "Name_Localised": "Salvaged Alloys", "Count": 30 }, { "Name": "heatconductionwiring", "Name_Localised": "Heat Conduction Wiring", "Count": 11 }, { "Name": "fedcorecomposites", "Name_Localised": "Core Dynamics Composites", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "highdensitycomposites", "Name_Localised": "High Density Composites", "Count": 33 }, { "Name": "exquisitefocuscrystals", "Name_Localised": "Exquisite Focus Crystals", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "biotechconductors", "Name_Localised": "Biotech Conductors", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "chemicalmanipulators", "Name_Localised": "Chemical Manipulators", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "compoundshielding", "Name_Localised": "Compound Shielding", "Count": 13 }, { "Name": "hybridcapacitors", "Name_Localised": "Hybrid Capacitors", "Count": 21 }, { "Name": "compactcomposites", "Name_Localised": "Compact Composites", "Count": 2 }, { "Name": "refinedfocuscrystals", "Name_Localised": "Refined Focus Crystals", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "electrochemicalarrays", "Name_Localised": "Electrochemical Arrays", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "fedproprietarycomposites", "Name_Localised": "Proprietary Composites", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "mechanicalscrap", "Name_Localised": "Mechanical Scrap", "Count": 32 }, { "Name": "conductivecomponents", "Name_Localised": "Conductive Components", "Count": 7 }, { "Name": "gridresistors", "Name_Localised": "Grid Resistors", "Count": 23 }, { "Name": "mechanicalcomponents", "Name_Localised": "Mechanical Components", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "configurablecomponents", "Name_Localised": "Configurable Components", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "temperedalloys", "Name_Localised": "Tempered Alloys", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "chemicalstorageunits", "Name_Localised": "Chemical Storage Units", "Count": 3 } ], "Encoded": [ { "Name": "decodedemissiondata", "Name_Localised": "Decoded Emission Data", "Count": 150 }, { "Name": "scandatabanks", "Name_Localised": "Classified Scan Databanks", "Count": 84 }, { "Name": "bulkscandata", "Name_Localised": "Anomalous Bulk Scan Data", "Count": 216 }, { "Name": "shieldpatternanalysis", "Name_Localised": "Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis", "Count": 150 }, { "Name": "shieldcyclerecordings", "Name_Localised": "Distorted Shield Cycle Recordings", "Count": 294 }, { "Name": "scanarchives", "Name_Localised": "Unidentified Scan Archives", "Count": 72 }, { "Name": "ancientbiologicaldata", "Name_Localised": "Pattern Alpha Obelisk Data", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "ancientlanguagedata", "Name_Localised": "Pattern Delta Obelisk Data", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "ancienthistoricaldata", "Name_Localised": "Pattern Gamma Obelisk Data", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "ancienttechnologicaldata", "Name_Localised": "Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "ancientculturaldata", "Name_Localised": "Pattern Beta Obelisk Data", "Count": 3 }, { "Name": "archivedemissiondata", "Name_Localised": "Irregular Emission Data", "Count": 36 }, { "Name": "legacyfirmware", "Name_Localised": "Specialised Legacy Firmware", "Count": 25 }, { "Name": "shieldsoakanalysis", "Name_Localised": "Inconsistent Shield Soak Analysis", "Count": 180 }, { "Name": "shielddensityreports", "Name_Localised": "Untypical Shield Scans ", "Count": 200 }, { "Name": "emissiondata", "Name_Localised": "Unexpected Emission Data", "Count": 132 }, { "Name": "classifiedscandata", "Name_Localised": "Classified Scan Fragment", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "encodedscandata", "Name_Localised": "Divergent Scan Data", "Count": 12 }, { "Name": "compactemissionsdata", "Name_Localised": "Abnormal Compact Emissions Data", "Count": 9 }, { "Name": "embeddedfirmware", "Name_Localised": "Modified Embedded Firmware", "Count": 4 }, { "Name": "shieldfrequencydata", "Name_Localised": "Peculiar Shield Frequency Data", "Count": 6 }, { "Name": "disruptedwakeechoes", "Name_Localised": "Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes", "Count": 25 }, { "Name": "scrambledemissiondata", "Name_Localised": "Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data", "Count": 14 } ] } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:24Z", "event": "LoadGame", "FID": "F1848152", "Commander": "KING_noslrac", "Horizons": true, "Ship": "Krait_MkII", "Ship_Localised": "Krait Mk II", "ShipID": 0, "ShipName": "Falconia", "ShipIdent": "KI-26K", "FuelLevel": 32.0, "FuelCapacity": 32.0, "GameMode": "Open", "Credits": 349846388, "Loan": 0 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:24Z", "event": "Rank", "Combat": 4, "Trade": 8, "Explore": 4, "Empire": 1, "Federation": 6, "CQC": 0 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:24Z", "event": "Progress", "Combat": 41, "Trade": 100, "Explore": 82, "Empire": 95, "Federation": 65, "CQC": 67 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:24Z", "event": "Reputation", "Empire": 35.475101, "Federation": 79.675903, "Independent": 6.27288, "Alliance": 75.0 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:25Z", "event": "SquadronStartup", "SquadronName": "ARGUS DEFENCE FLEET", "CurrentRank": 4 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:26Z", "event": "EngineerProgress", "Engineers": [ { "Engineer": "Petra Olmanova", "EngineerID": 300130, "Progress": "Invited" }, { "Engineer": "Tod 'The Blaster' McQuinn", "EngineerID": 300260, "Progress": "Unlocked", "RankProgress": 88, "Rank": 3 }, { "Engineer": "Marsha Hicks", "EngineerID": 300150, "Progress": "Invited" }, { "Engineer": "Selene Jean", "EngineerID": 300210, "Progress": "Invited" }, { "Engineer": "Lei Cheung", "EngineerID": 300120, "Progress": "Invited" }, { "Engineer": "Felicity Farseer", "EngineerID": 300100, "Progress": "Invited" }, { "Engineer": "Elvira Martuuk", "EngineerID": 300160, "Progress": "Invited" }, { "Engineer": "The Dweller", "EngineerID": 300180, "Progress": "Unlocked", "RankProgress": 48, "Rank": 4 }, { "Engineer": "Liz Ryder", "EngineerID": 300080, "Progress": "Known" } ] } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "ReceiveText", "From": "", "Message": "$COMMS_entered:#name=Atropos;", "Message_Localised": "Entered Channel: Atropos", "Channel": "npc" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "Location", "Docked": true, "StationName": "Kepler Orbital", "StationType": "Orbis", "MarketID": 3223643392, "StationFaction": { "Name": "Atropos & Co" }, "StationGovernment": "$government_Corporate;", "StationGovernment_Localised": "Corporate", "StationAllegiance": "Federation", "StationServices": [ "dock", "autodock", "commodities", "contacts", "exploration", "missions", "outfitting", "crewlounge", "rearm", "refuel", "repair", "shipyard", "tuning", "engineer", "missionsgenerated", "flightcontroller", "stationoperations", "powerplay", "searchrescue", "stationMenu", "shop" ], "StationEconomy": "$economy_Refinery;", "StationEconomy_Localised": "Refinery", "StationEconomies": [ { "Name": "$economy_Refinery;", "Name_Localised": "Refinery", "Proportion": 1.0 } ], "StarSystem": "Atropos", "SystemAddress": 2832698675914, "StarPos": [ 41.40625, -29.6875, -27.625 ], "SystemAllegiance": "Federation", "SystemEconomy": "$economy_Agri;", "SystemEconomy_Localised": "Agriculture", "SystemSecondEconomy": "$economy_Refinery;", "SystemSecondEconomy_Localised": "Refinery", "SystemGovernment": "$government_Corporate;", "SystemGovernment_Localised": "Corporate", "SystemSecurity": "$SYSTEM_SECURITY_high;", "SystemSecurity_Localised": "High Security", "Population": 4373898088, "Body": "Kepler Orbital", "BodyID": 52, "BodyType": "Station", "Powers": [ "Zachary Hudson" ], "PowerplayState": "Controlled", "Factions": [ { "Name": "Values Party of Atropos", "FactionState": "None", "Government": "Democracy", "Influence": 0.16717, "Allegiance": "Federation", "Happiness": "$Faction_HappinessBand2;", "Happiness_Localised": "Happy", "MyReputation": 100.0 }, { "Name": "Atropos & Co", "FactionState": "None", "Government": "Corporate", "Influence": 0.559919, "Allegiance": "Federation", "Happiness": "$Faction_HappinessBand2;", "Happiness_Localised": "Happy", "MyReputation": 100.0 }, { "Name": "Bureau of Atropos Conservatives", "FactionState": "None", "Government": "Dictatorship", "Influence": 0.059416, "Allegiance": "Independent", "Happiness": "$Faction_HappinessBand2;", "Happiness_Localised": "Happy", "MyReputation": 20.459999 }, { "Name": "Atropos Gold Ring", "FactionState": "None", "Government": "Anarchy", "Influence": 0.013092, "Allegiance": "Independent", "Happiness": "$Faction_HappinessBand2;", "Happiness_Localised": "Happy", "MyReputation": 0.0 }, { "Name": "Atropos Major Network", "FactionState": "None", "Government": "Corporate", "Influence": 0.064451, "Allegiance": "Independent", "Happiness": "$Faction_HappinessBand2;", "Happiness_Localised": "Happy", "MyReputation": 15.32, "RecoveringStates": [ { "State": "InfrastructureFailure", "Trend": 0 } ] }, { "Name": "The Peculiar Brotherhood", "FactionState": "None", "Government": "Anarchy", "Influence": 0.023162, "Allegiance": "Independent", "Happiness": "$Faction_HappinessBand2;", "Happiness_Localised": "Happy", "MyReputation": -3.3 }, { "Name": "Leviathan Scout Regiment", "FactionState": "None", "Government": "Patronage", "Influence": 0.11279, "Allegiance": "Independent", "Happiness": "$Faction_HappinessBand2;", "Happiness_Localised": "Happy", "MyReputation": 42.647301, "PendingStates": [ { "State": "Expansion", "Trend": 0 } ] } ], "SystemFaction": { "Name": "Atropos & Co" } } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "Powerplay", "Power": "Zachary Hudson", "Rank": 0, "Merits": 0, "Votes": 0, "TimePledged": 42721031 } StatusEvent Status.InMainMenu:False Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "NoTrack" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "Missions", "Active": [], "Failed": [], "Complete": [] } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "Docked", "StationName": "Kepler Orbital", "StationType": "Orbis", "StarSystem": "Atropos", "SystemAddress": 2832698675914, "MarketID": 3223643392, "StationFaction": { "Name": "Atropos & Co" }, "StationGovernment": "$government_Corporate;", "StationGovernment_Localised": "Corporate", "StationAllegiance": "Federation", "StationServices": [ "dock", "autodock", "commodities", "contacts", "exploration", "missions", "outfitting", "crewlounge", "rearm", "refuel", "repair", "shipyard", "tuning", "engineer", "missionsgenerated", "flightcontroller", "stationoperations", "powerplay", "searchrescue", "stationMenu", "shop" ], "StationEconomy": "$economy_Refinery;", "StationEconomy_Localised": "Refinery", "StationEconomies": [ { "Name": "$economy_Refinery;", "Name_Localised": "Refinery", "Proportion": 1.0 } ], "DistFromStarLS": 36.200104 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "Loadout", "Ship": "krait_mkii", "ShipID": 0, "ShipName": "Falconia", "ShipIdent": "KI-26K", "HullValue": 44151589, "ModulesValue": 150901869, "HullHealth": 1.0, "UnladenMass": 768.799988, "CargoCapacity": 64, "MaxJumpRange": 27.058954, "FuelCapacity": { "Main": 32.0, "Reserve": 0.63 }, "Rebuy": 9752674, "Modules": [ { "Slot": "ShipCockpit", "Item": "krait_mkii_cockpit", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "CargoHatch", "Item": "modularcargobaydoor", "On": true, "Priority": 3, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "LargeHardpoint1", "Item": "hpt_plasmaaccelerator_fixed_large", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "AmmoInClip": 5, "AmmoInHopper": 100, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "LargeHardpoint2", "Item": "hpt_multicannon_gimbal_large", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "AmmoInClip": 90, "AmmoInHopper": 2100, "Health": 1.0, "Engineering": { "Engineer": "Tod 'The Blaster' McQuinn", "EngineerID": 300260, "BlueprintID": 128673481, "BlueprintName": "Weapon_Efficient", "Level": 2, "Quality": 0.268, "Modifiers": [ { "Label": "PowerDraw", "Value": 0.935177, "OriginalValue": 0.97, "LessIsGood": 1 }, { "Label": "DamagePerSecond", "Value": 20.69224, "OriginalValue": 18.933332, "LessIsGood": 0 }, { "Label": "Damage", "Value": 3.103836, "OriginalValue": 2.84, "LessIsGood": 0 }, { "Label": "DistributorDraw", "Value": 0.22825, "OriginalValue": 0.25, "LessIsGood": 1 }, { "Label": "ThermalLoad", "Value": 0.207944, "OriginalValue": 0.34, "LessIsGood": 1 } ] } }, { "Slot": "LargeHardpoint3", "Item": "hpt_multicannon_gimbal_large", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "AmmoInClip": 90, "AmmoInHopper": 2100, "Health": 1.0, "Engineering": { "Engineer": "Tod 'The Blaster' McQuinn", "EngineerID": 300260, "BlueprintID": 128673480, "BlueprintName": "Weapon_Efficient", "Level": 1, "Quality": 1.0, "Modifiers": [ { "Label": "DamagePerSecond", "Value": 20.448, "OriginalValue": 18.933332, "LessIsGood": 0 }, { "Label": "Damage", "Value": 3.0672, "OriginalValue": 2.84, "LessIsGood": 0 }, { "Label": "ThermalLoad", "Value": 0.2125, "OriginalValue": 0.34, "LessIsGood": 1 } ] } }, { "Slot": "MediumHardpoint1", "Item": "hpt_beamlaser_turret_medium", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "MediumHardpoint2", "Item": "hpt_beamlaser_turret_medium", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "TinyHardpoint1", "Item": "hpt_shieldbooster_size0_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "TinyHardpoint2", "Item": "hpt_shieldbooster_size0_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "TinyHardpoint3", "Item": "hpt_shieldbooster_size0_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "TinyHardpoint4", "Item": "hpt_heatsinklauncher_turret_tiny", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "AmmoInClip": 1, "AmmoInHopper": 2, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "PaintJob", "Item": "paintjob_krait_mkii_horus1_02", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Armour", "Item": "krait_mkii_armour_grade3", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "PowerPlant", "Item": "int_powerplant_size7_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "MainEngines", "Item": "int_engine_size6_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "FrameShiftDrive", "Item": "int_hyperdrive_size5_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0, "Engineering": { "Engineer": "Elvira Martuuk", "EngineerID": 300160, "BlueprintID": 128673694, "BlueprintName": "FSD_LongRange", "Level": 5, "Quality": 1.0, "Modifiers": [ { "Label": "Mass", "Value": 26.0, "OriginalValue": 20.0, "LessIsGood": 1 }, { "Label": "Integrity", "Value": 84.0, "OriginalValue": 120.0, "LessIsGood": 0 }, { "Label": "PowerDraw", "Value": 0.69, "OriginalValue": 0.6, "LessIsGood": 1 }, { "Label": "BootTime", "Value": 2.0, "OriginalValue": 10.0, "LessIsGood": 1 }, { "Label": "FSDOptimalMass", "Value": 1785.0, "OriginalValue": 1050.0, "LessIsGood": 0 }, { "Label": "FSDHeatRate", "Value": 32.400002, "OriginalValue": 27.0, "LessIsGood": 1 } ] } }, { "Slot": "LifeSupport", "Item": "int_lifesupport_size4_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "PowerDistributor", "Item": "int_powerdistributor_size7_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Radar", "Item": "int_sensors_size6_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "FuelTank", "Item": "int_fueltank_size5_class3", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Decal1", "Item": "decal_trade_elite", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Decal2", "Item": "decal_combat_expert", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Decal3", "Item": "decal_explorer_trailblazer", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot01_Size6", "Item": "int_shieldgenerator_size6_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot02_Size6", "Item": "int_cargorack_size6_class1", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot03_Size5", "Item": "int_fighterbay_size5_class1", "On": true, "Priority": 2, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot04_Size5", "Item": "int_dronecontrol_collection_size5_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 2, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot05_Size4", "Item": "int_repairer_size4_class4", "On": true, "Priority": 2, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot06_Size3", "Item": "int_dronecontrol_resourcesiphon_size3_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 0, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot07_Size3", "Item": "int_fsdinterdictor_size3_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 4, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot08_Size2", "Item": "int_fuelscoop_size2_class5", "On": true, "Priority": 4, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "Slot09_Size1", "Item": "int_supercruiseassist", "On": true, "Priority": 4, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "PlanetaryApproachSuite", "Item": "int_planetapproachsuite", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "ShipKitSpoiler", "Item": "krait_mkii_shipkit1_spoiler2", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "ShipKitWings", "Item": "krait_mkii_shipkit1_wings2", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "ShipKitTail", "Item": "krait_mkii_shipkit1_tail1", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "ShipKitBumper", "Item": "krait_mkii_shipkit1_bumper2", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "WeaponColour", "Item": "weaponcustomisation_red", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "EngineColour", "Item": "enginecustomisation_cyan", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 }, { "Slot": "VesselVoice", "Item": "voicepack_verity", "On": true, "Priority": 1, "Health": 1.0 } ] } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:34Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "Exploration" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:35Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "Starport" } StatusEvent Status.Docked:True StatusEvent Status.Gear:True StatusEvent Status.Shields:True StatusEvent Status.InMothership:True StatusEvent Status.IsRunning:True Effect Dock.ffe Exception HRESULT: [0x80040205], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED/NotExclusiveAcquired], Message: An unexpected exception was raised

Effect Gear.ffe Exception HRESULT: [0x80040205], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED/NotExclusiveAcquired], Message: An unexpected exception was raised

Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:37Z", "event": "Statistics", "Bank_Account": { "Current_Wealth": 1690646142, "Spent_On_Ships": 372410155, "Spent_On_Outfitting": 1304482296, "Spent_On_Repairs": 12194842, "Spent_On_Fuel": 116137, "Spent_On_Ammo_Consumables": 1185809, "Insurance_Claims": 21, "Spent_On_Insurance": 94694517, "Owned_Ship_Count": 4 }, "Combat": { "Bounties_Claimed": 959, "Bounty_Hunting_Profit": 35761150, "Combat_Bonds": 9, "Combat_Bond_Profits": 400050, "Assassinations": 11, "Assassination_Profits": 2282454, "Highest_Single_Reward": 480440, "Skimmers_Killed": 0 }, "Crime": { "Notoriety": 0, "Fines": 41, "Total_Fines": 495169, "Bounties_Received": 50, "Total_Bounties": 107045, "Highest_Bounty": 10000 }, "Smuggling": { "Black_Markets_Traded_With": 12, "Black_Markets_Profits": 617056, "Resources_Smuggled": 434, "Average_Profit": 20568.533333333, "Highest_Single_Transaction": 138060 }, "Trading": { "Markets_Traded_With": 79, "Market_Profits": 1866570396, "Resources_Traded": 18016, "Average_Profit": 9572155.8769231, "Highest_Single_Transaction": 709063980 }, "Mining": { "Mining_Profits": 1705686280, "Quantity_Mined": 1668, "Materials_Collected": 3760 }, "Exploration": { "Systems_Visited": 921, "Exploration_Profits": 6829998, "Planets_Scanned_To_Level_2": 1382, "Planets_Scanned_To_Level_3": 1350, "Efficient_Scans": 0, "Highest_Payout": 345655, "Total_Hyperspace_Distance": 15171, "Total_Hyperspace_Jumps": 1272, "Greatest_Distance_From_Start": 534.40461175265, "Time_Played": 1137900 }, "Passengers": { "Passengers_Missions_Accepted": 83, "Passengers_Missions_Disgruntled": 0, "Passengers_Missions_Bulk": 886, "Passengers_Missions_VIP": 56, "Passengers_Missions_Delivered": 942, "Passengers_Missions_Ejected": 0 }, "Search_And_Rescue": { "SearchRescue_Traded": 4, "SearchRescue_Profit": 22520, "SearchRescue_Count": 3 }, "Crafting": { "Count_Of_Used_Engineers": 2, "Recipes_Generated": 110, "Recipes_Generated_Rank_1": 59, "Recipes_Generated_Rank_2": 27, "Recipes_Generated_Rank_3": 16, "Recipes_Generated_Rank_4": 8, "Recipes_Generated_Rank_5": 0 }, "Crew": { "NpcCrew_TotalWages": 250267552, "NpcCrew_Hired": 8, "NpcCrew_Fired": 3, "NpcCrew_Died": 7 }, "Multicrew": { "Multicrew_Time_Total": 5982, "Multicrew_Gunner_Time_Total": 0, "Multicrew_Fighter_Time_Total": 0, "Multicrew_Credits_Total": 0, "Multicrew_Fines_Total": 0 }, "Material_Trader_Stats": { "Trades_Completed": 7, "Materials_Traded": 69, "Grade_2_Materials_Traded": 11, "Grade_3_Materials_Traded": 16, "Grade_4_Materials_Traded": 34, "Grade_5_Materials_Traded": 8 }, "CQC": { "CQC_Credits_Earned": 7356, "CQC_Time_Played": 5850, "CQC_KD": 0.53571428571429, "CQC_Kills": 15, "CQC_WL": 0 } } StatusEvent Status.MassLocked:True Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:38Z", "event": "Cargo", "Vessel": "Ship", "Count": 36, "Inventory": [ { "Name": "drones", "Name_Localised": "Limpet", "Count": 36, "Stolen": 0 } ] } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:38Z", "event": "NpcCrewPaidWage", "NpcCrewName": "Geneva Lamb", "NpcCrewId": 201440196, "Amount": 0 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:31:41Z", "event": "CommunityGoal", "CurrentGoals": [ { "CGID": 630, "Title": "Protect the Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies", "SystemName": "BD+05 1146", "MarketName": "Ellis Gateway", "Expiry": "2020-12-17T06:00:00Z", "IsComplete": false, "CurrentTotal": 71771855013, "PlayerContribution": 0, "NumContributors": 5147, "TopTier": { "Name": "Tier 5", "Bonus": "" }, "TopRankSize": 10, "PlayerInTopRank": false, "TierReached": "Tier 3", "PlayerPercentileBand": 100, "Bonus": 600000 } ] } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:32:00Z", "event": "Undocked", "StationName": "Kepler Orbital", "StationType": "Orbis", "MarketID": 3223643392 } StatusEvent Status.Docked:False Effect Dock.ffe Exception HRESULT: [0x80040205], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED/NotExclusiveAcquired], Message: An unexpected exception was raised

StatusEvent Status.Gear:False Effect Gear.ffe Exception HRESULT: [0x80040205], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED/NotExclusiveAcquired], Message: An unexpected exception was raised

Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:32:18Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "NoTrack" } StatusEvent Status.MassLocked:False StatusEvent Status.InNoFireZone:False StatusEvent Status.MassLocked:True Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:32:51Z", "event": "ReceiveText", "From": "Kepler Orbital", "Message": "$STATION_NoFireZone_exited;", "Message_Localised": "No fire zone left.", "Channel": "npc" } StatusEvent Status.Shields:False StatusEvent Status.MassLocked:False StatusEvent Status.InMothership:False StatusEvent Status.IsRunning:False Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:19Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "ViperXPRacer" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:19Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "Genghis Christ" } StatusEvent Status.InNoFireZone:True StatusEvent Status.InNoFireZone:True Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:29Z", "event": "ReceiveText", "From": "Kepler Orbital", "Message": "$STATION_NoFireZone_entered;", "Message_Localised": "No fire zone entered.", "Channel": "npc" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:39Z", "event": "CommunityGoal", "CurrentGoals": [ { "CGID": 630, "Title": "Protect the Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies", "SystemName": "BD+05 1146", "MarketName": "Ellis Gateway", "Expiry": "2020-12-17T06:00:00Z", "IsComplete": false, "CurrentTotal": 71807259803, "PlayerContribution": 0, "NumContributors": 5148, "TopTier": { "Name": "Tier 5", "Bonus": "" }, "TopRankSize": 10, "PlayerInTopRank": false, "TierReached": "Tier 3", "PlayerPercentileBand": 100, "Bonus": 600000 } ] } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:39Z", "event": "DockingRequested", "MarketID": 3223643392, "StationName": "Kepler Orbital", "StationType": "Orbis" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:41Z", "event": "ReceiveText", "From": "Kepler Orbital", "Message": "$DockingChatter_Allied;", "Message_Localised": "An ally like you is always welcome here.", "Channel": "npc" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:41Z", "event": "ReceiveText", "From": "Kepler Orbital", "Message": "$STATION_docking_granted;", "Message_Localised": "Docking request granted.", "Channel": "npc" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:33:41Z", "event": "DockingGranted", "LandingPad": 26, "MarketID": 3223643392, "StationName": "Kepler Orbital", "StationType": "Orbis" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:34:08Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "Starport" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:34:17Z", "event": "ReceiveText", "From": "Kepler Orbital", "Message": "$DockingPadBlockWarningComms;", "Message_Localised": "Loitering infraction detected, clear pad approach immediately to avoid lethal response", "Channel": "npc" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:34:21Z", "event": "ReceiveText", "From": "Kepler Orbital", "Message": "$DockingOffenceCleared;", "Message_Localised": "Starport infractions cleared, docking privileges restored.", "Channel": "npc" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:34:35Z", "event": "Docked", "StationName": "Kepler Orbital", "StationType": "Orbis", "StarSystem": "Atropos", "SystemAddress": 2832698675914, "MarketID": 3223643392, "StationFaction": { "Name": "Atropos & Co" }, "StationGovernment": "$government_Corporate;", "StationGovernment_Localised": "Corporate", "StationAllegiance": "Federation", "StationServices": [ "dock", "autodock", "commodities", "contacts", "exploration", "missions", "outfitting", "crewlounge", "rearm", "refuel", "repair", "shipyard", "tuning", "engineer", "missionsgenerated", "flightcontroller", "stationoperations", "powerplay", "searchrescue", "stationMenu", "shop" ], "StationEconomy": "$economy_Refinery;", "StationEconomy_Localised": "Refinery", "StationEconomies": [ { "Name": "$economy_Refinery;", "Name_Localised": "Refinery", "Proportion": 1.0 } ], "DistFromStarLS": 36.200866 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:34:54Z", "event": "RefuelAll", "Cost": 10, "Amount": 0.084657 } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:35:06Z", "event": "Music", "MusicTrack": "Exploration" } Event { "timestamp": "2020-12-13T13:35:08Z", "event": "Shutdown" }

Yllelder commented 2 years ago

This error, in principle, is because there is another process using the joystick at that moment, or so it says in the documentation.

I get a similar error, always when closing the game. It looks like when closing the game, the joystick profiling software, or some other process, tries to use the joystick at the same time as EDForceFeedback. I have no problem with the vibration effect though, it plays perfectly.

Have you noticed that the error occurs when minimizing the Elite Dangerous window?