bobhelander / EDForceFeedback

Elite Dangerous Force Feedback
MIT License
33 stars 11 forks source link

Good work Bob! #6

Closed Clickzz closed 3 years ago

Clickzz commented 3 years ago

Hello! No issue involved here for the most part. Just wanted to add a few effects i developed with the tool you hand in the EDForceFeedback files. I saw you updated not long ago but i was wondering if someone with my joystick (Logitech Force3DPRO) needed my "settings file" and effects folder. Also on that matter i was wondering if you wanted my fx to try and see i you like them, ill keep working on them. Ill sure try the april update.

Best regards and thank you very much for developing all of this. I wouldn't got involved in the game if it wasn't for you and im loving it. :D Thanks again!

bobhelander commented 3 years ago

I would like to include your files. You can message me directly

Thank you for contributing!
