bobhelander / EDForceFeedback

Elite Dangerous Force Feedback
MIT License
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Can you make the teensy fix version available? #8

Open S1L1C0N1 opened 3 years ago

S1L1C0N1 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I just got elite dangerous recently and built the teensy MS FFB Pro adapter like the other guy. I was wondering if you could make the fix for teensy users available for use too? I've been trying to figure out how to compile code from your master file but don't know how.

-Elite & coding n00b


bobhelander commented 3 years ago

I have published the change (v2.2). If you copy the output from the program in a reply here, I can help with the setup of the configuration file to select that device.


S1L1C0N1 commented 3 years ago

2020-12-09 14_20_43-Command Prompt

I saw the joystick appear so I changed the settings.json but I get this exception.

Thank you so much for your help!

bobhelander commented 3 years ago

S1L1C0N1, Please run the .exe file by double clicking on it. The DirectX library subclasses the window procedure to perform tasks on certain Windows events. It cannot get access to do this to this parent window "cmd.exe". It needs a window that the program created.

Please let me know if this still doesn't correct the problem.

S1L1C0N1 commented 3 years ago

Hi, yes, It's the same if I double click. I just used the command line so the error would not disappear as the window closes immediately.

2020-12-09 21_52_03-C__Users_USER_Desktop_Elite Dangerous_EDForceFeedback_EDForceFeedback exe

bobhelander commented 3 years ago

Okay, that's a different error attempting to set the AutoCenter property. I'll push another release tonight after protecting this call from crashing the program.


bobhelander commented 3 years ago

New version is up (2.4). Please let me know what version of the teensy you are using.

S1L1C0N1 commented 3 years ago

Teensy 2.0

S1L1C0N1 commented 3 years ago

The controller is now recognized but I have this exception appearing: 2020-12-12 13_19_52-C__Users_USER_Desktop_EDForceFeedback_EDForceFeedback exe