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OKR、DevOps的简答 #18

Open evazou2020 opened 4 years ago

evazou2020 commented 4 years ago
  1. OKR -Q:OKR和KPI还有一些使用方法,从KR的角度上来讲,我们定义一些指标对进展做衡量,也是可以的,所以比较常见的就是对于业务做KPI度量,用KPI的方式去取数据,这种整合是比较常见的,而且是比较舒服的做法。对这句话不是很理解 -A: 谷歌OKR实施避坑指南

  2. CSM认证学习 -Q:CSM这个认证,要系统学,联系谁 -A: 找Bob老师,他的CSM课程大家的反馈,如果有感兴趣CSM认证的,可以私聊。

  3. CSM认证学习 -Q:CSM培训是在线下咯? -A: 有线下,有线上

  4. DevOps -Q:DevOps跟敏捷有多少异同点[呲牙],想自己理理,也听听大家的意见 -A: DevOps从敏捷出来的。。这是DevOps wiki上的描述 Relationship to other approaches Agile Main article: Agile software development Agile and DevOps serve complementary roles: several standard DevOps practices such as automated build and test, continuous integration, and continuous delivery originated in the Agile world, which dates (informally) to the 1990s, and formally to 2001.[22] Agile can be viewed as addressing communication gaps between customers and developers, while DevOps addresses gaps between developers and IT operations / infrastructure.[23] Also, DevOps has focus on the deployment of developed software, whether it is developed via Agile or other methodologies.[22].