bobmuscarella / Panama_analysis

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Dealing with repeat census of same individuals (especially for survival) #6

Open bobmuscarella opened 8 years ago

bobmuscarella commented 8 years ago

Am I dealing with this correctly? Now, there is an individual effect estimated for each individual stem and then included in the first level regression.

        z[i]  <- beta.1 [species[i]]
                    + beta.2 [species[i]] * (nci[i])
                    + beta.3 [species[i]] * (nci.t[i])
                    + beta.4 [species[i]] * (dbh[i])
                    + indiv.effect [indiv[i]]


    for( i.a in 1:nindiv ) {
        indiv.effect[i.a] ~ dnorm(0, tau[7])