bobo38 / TheCoreLite

TheCoreLite .SC2Hotkeys for many keyboard layouts + infrastructure to convert &check&release from for .SC2Hotkey master seeds
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Possible additional consistency for Protoss abilities #49

Open karmakaze opened 3 years ago

karmakaze commented 3 years ago

After looking at all the options, TheCore Lite hits the sweet spot. I've had to tweak it as I use a nonstandard keyboard layout and found some extra consistency that could be had. Noticed that many units have the same key for building as upgrading an ability for the unit. Here are some more that could match:

A completely different thing I do is remap tab/caps/shift -> shift/alt/tab, and the key closest to spacebar is Cmd/Ctrl using a defaults write (Mac) command-line script, or MS Windows keyboard layout creator (KLC) file. This lets me press Cmd/Ctrl with my thumb and easily hit all control group + action keys as quick pairs while barely moving my hand.

If you're curious, my control group + hotkey setup looks like this.

Keep up the great work!

bobo38 commented 3 years ago

Shadow stride: the research is mapped to same key that is used for DT production (T). Space is the best key for this type of unit ability: most units with ability have Space mapped for accessibility => stay so

Psi Storm: the research is mapped to same key that is used for HT production (Space). E is the best key for this type of unit ability: E is the most accessible so-called "precision key". It is explicitly not RapidFire on purpose, please read this section. => stay so

Tectonic destabilizer: default is T and has not produced unbound, therefore was not found... thanks for reporting. => There probably won't be any issue remapping to V

Recall: you're right the 2 abilities are similar and are mapped to different keys. Interestingly both are coming from default. Not sure what is better for recall (RapidFire or precision key) => need to check degrees of freedom w.r.t. campaign/coop

Shield batteries build is T, it has nothing to do with Shield upgrade (i think this one has always been on E from 1st version from JaKaTaK). The questionable one is the usage of 4 for battery overcharge… it looks like it's minimum change motto again => need to check degrees of freedom w.r.t. campaign/coop

The Warp gates usage is out of accessible keys "Period: Warp (to encourage production group)", this i video about 10 control groups for protoss by JaKaTaK where you see the single key for production (gateways, robo, stargate) benefit is that you get an overview of all your production => stay so


Please keep feeling free to modify your local copy to something that fits better your feeling, needs, game sense

bobo38 commented 3 years ago

"if you're curious, my control group + hotkey setup looks like this." Your setup is very strange, in the past i thought of getting Control on the physical Alt key, but finally chose to use my physical CapsLock like that

The position of Shift in place of physical Tab hurts my fingers for some reason. Is it reasonably confortable to shift queue commands? This position for Shift is also not helping much the camera view (hatch injects sequence is probably the reason why it hurts). :-D