boboldehampsink / import

DEPRECATED - Import plugin for Craft CMS
MIT License
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Stuck Task, Local Environment Only #130

Closed smockensturm closed 8 years ago

smockensturm commented 8 years ago

What would cause an import to hang up and never finish? ( tiny .csv, < 1k, 1 record ) Orange dot in the history, unfinished task at the bottom of the CP nav...

This only happens on the local dev environment (remote mySQL). We have to manually clear the task from the database in order to even try again.

Up on the server it works like a champ. (we've increased local env PHP max_execution_time to no avail.)


Craft 2.6.2903 Import 0.8.28

smockensturm commented 8 years ago

'devMode' => false

gets it working locally. painful to develop a plugin with hooks in that state, tho.

boboldehampsink commented 8 years ago

Looks like something you should contact Craft support with.

johanneslamers commented 8 years ago

Have exactly the same... devMode on false solved the problem

smockensturm commented 8 years ago

Not really a solution. The overhead in devMode is no joke. Here's what Brad at P&T says:

devMode uses a lot more memory on a given PHP request and importing probably already requires significant memory, so my guess is that you're running into your php.ini file's memory_limit or max_execution_time limits or something similar.

Oh well. ¯(ツ)

smockensturm commented 8 years ago

We have increased memory_limit 10 fold (1280M) We have increased max_execution_time 100 fold (30000) We have increased max_input_time 100 fold (60000)

And STILL this Import plug-in hangs up in the first half a second when Craft devMode is set to true. What are we doing wrong? What else can we be looking for?

boboldehampsink commented 8 years ago

Do you use automatic task running? Do you use gzip? (maybe even unnoticed?). Do the logs say anything?

smockensturm commented 8 years ago

No automatic task running. No gzip. But now... version 0.8.32 (dev mode true) can't even get past this error:

Undefined index: assetsource

(We should be able to use this plug-in without having to define an asset source.) When we do define an asset source (albeit empty) we get this error:

So that's one issue (or two).

Prior to installing 0.8.32, we did manage to isolate the hanging import (dev mode true) to the mere presence of a SmartMap field in the targeted section. SmartMap developer says "don't use import in dev mode". Well that's just nuts.

So, at the moment, I cannot even duplicate the original problem (hanging import) with your latest release.

smockensturm commented 8 years ago

Installed the development release, which appears to suppress the PHP asset errors. So now we're back to the hanging import. Again, traced to the presence of SmartMap.

But... the logs that we try to force here

do get output when dev mode is true. Even though the import is unsuccessful.

I've zipped up and attached all logs here

boboldehampsink commented 8 years ago

Ok, looks like a SmartMap issue then. File a bug report there.

smockensturm commented 8 years ago

We're working on it. Thanks.

lindseydiloreto commented 7 years ago

RE: Smart Map...

It's a super edge case, but it seems like there's a conflict with devMode, Import, and geolocation. To circumvent this conflict, simply disable geolocation while you run the import.

Smart Map Settings

I'll continue to investigate until this is fully resolved, but this workaround should be satisfactory in most situations.

lindseydiloreto commented 7 years ago

This has been fixed for the next release of Smart Map.