bobrippling / podsync

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Share subscriptions between devices - `sync-devices` #8

Open bobrippling opened 1 year ago

bobrippling commented 1 year ago

Original post

Supporting the sync-devices endpoint should allow Kasts to copy subscriptions between devices.


gpoddernet docs don't seem to say much about how the endpoint should behave.

Endpoint / database

There's some initial logic behind the gpoddernet implementation. It seems devices can be added to (and removed from) sync groups (via a POST), and there's some logic around updating this in a database.


Gpodder looks like it allowed users to modify sync settings via the website - we could just have this in a table and manually set it for now.


The sync itself is likely this logic here - it unions all the subscriptions from each device to every other device.

It's kicked off at the end of a POST /sync-devices, as well as by the web frontend.
