bobtheuberfish / chiriboga

Implements Netrunner in Javascript against an AI opponent
GNU General Public License v3.0
91 stars 11 forks source link

Mutual Favor #92

Closed logoliv closed 2 years ago

logoliv commented 2 years ago

Hello, Mutual Favor doesn't propose the option to install the icebreaker program we just searched in case of a successful run, only puts it in the grip. chiriboga-log-2022-08-14T10 28 51.200Z.txt Thanks in advance, Olivier

bobtheuberfish commented 2 years ago

Hi Olivier, Thank you for this report. According to the log, you had insufficient credits to install Carmen. So you would not be given the option to install it.

logoliv commented 2 years ago

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your answer, I misunderstood the card text and thought that the install was free :) So if you made a successful run you just win a free clic, not as attractive...

By the way, congratulations for making this program : I'm a newbye and it's nice to be able to play versus an AI ! Is there a difference between the github version and the internet one ? The first is tagged "dev" and the other isn't.


bobtheuberfish commented 2 years ago


The one you've been playing only contains cards from System Gateway. The "dev" version also contains cards from System Update 2021. It is a work-in-progress so there are bugs. If you wish to test the "dev" version, it can be found here: