bobvanderlinden / nixpkgs-ruby

A Nix repository with all Ruby versions being kept up-to-date automatically
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jemallocSupport with gems #118

Open emptyflask opened 7 months ago

emptyflask commented 7 months ago

I'm attempting to enable jemalloc with ruby, which appears to work fine, but it isn't available to gems. I thought that maybe since it was in ruby's propagatedBuildInputs, the gems would have it, but no.

        pkgs = import nixpkgs {
          inherit system;
          overlays = [ bob-ruby.overlays.default ];
        rubyNix = ruby-nix.lib pkgs;
        gemset = if builtins.pathExists ./gemset.nix then import ./gemset.nix else { };
        rubyVersion = nixpkgs.lib.fileContents ./.ruby-version;

        ruby = pkgs."${rubyVersion}".override {
          jemallocSupport = true;
          yjitSupport = true;

I wrote a function to add it to each gem's buildInputs, but merging that with defaultGemConfig replaces the existing builtInputs, so perhaps a "deep merge" is needed instead:

        jemallocGemConfig = builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
          inherit name;
          value = attrs: attrs // { buildInputs = (attrs.buildInputs or []) ++ [ pkgs.jemalloc ]; };
        }) (builtins.attrNames gemset));
      in rec {
        inherit (rubyNix {
          inherit gemset ruby;
          name = "chronos";
          gemConfig = pkgs.defaultGemConfig // jemallocGemConfig;
        }) env;
        devShells = rec {
          dev = pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ env ] };
          default = dev;

But I'm probably thinking about this the wrong way. Surely there's some better/simpler way to use jemalloc with gems. I can try posting this to the bundix repo as well if that makes more sense.

bobvanderlinden commented 5 months ago

I'm not fully aware of how ruby-nix should work, but from the code it seems the ruby package that is supplied isn't really being used.

See the unused deconstructed attribute ruby in ruby needs to be supplied to buildRubyGem.

It doesn't seem to have to do with nixpkgs-ruby.

inscapist commented 3 months ago

hey @bobvanderlinden thanks for pointing out the unused ruby. And sorry for being late to the scene.

This has been fixed in

Also, it would not work out of the box until jemalloc is added to propagatedBuildInputs, it is currently added to buildInputs, I have filed another PR for that