bobye / neuron

Scala library for neural networks
109 stars 32 forks source link

Profile on my laptop #5

Closed bobye closed 10 years ago

bobye commented 10 years ago

Flat profile of 247.41 secs (19901 total ticks): main

Interpreted + native Method
0.1% 27 + 0 java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1 0.1% 11 + 6 com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.dgemm_offsets 0.1% 14 + 0 scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder$ofDouble.mkArray 0.1% 7 + 3 com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.dgemv_offsets 0.0% 0 + 8 com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.ddot_offsets 0.0% 6 + 0 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder. 0.0% 6 + 0 neuralnetwork.NeuralNetwork.inputDimension 0.0% 0 + 5 java.lang.Class.isPrimitive 0.0% 5 + 0 breeze.linalg.operators.DenseVectorOps$class.$init$ 0.0% 0 + 5 java.lang.Thread.currentThread 0.0% 0 + 5 0.0% 4 + 0 scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$6.hasNext 0.0% 4 + 0 java.util.Arrays.copyOf 0.0% 4 + 0 sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString 0.0% 3 + 0 scala.collection.immutable.Range. 0.0% 3 + 0 java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange 0.0% 3 + 0 java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray 0.0% 0 + 3 0.0% 3 + 0 java.util.Arrays.copyOf 0.0% 3 + 0 sun.misc.FDBigInt.add 0.0% 3 + 0 breeze.linalg.VectorOps$class.$init$ 0.0% 3 + 0 java.util.regex.Pattern.split 0.0% 0 + 3 java.lang.Object.hashCode 0.0% 0 + 3 com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.daxpy_offsets 0.0% 2 + 0 neuralnetwork.KLdiv$implDouble$.apply$mcDD$sp 1.3% 201 + 60 Total interpreted (including elided)

Compiled + native Method
0.8% 4 + 155 neuralnetwork.InstanceOfChainNeuralNetwork.backpropagate 0.6% 36 + 80 breeze.linalg.DenseVector$$anon$ 0.3% 0 + 61 neuralnetwork.sigmoid$implDouble$.apply 0.1% 0 + 18 neuralnetwork.dsgm$implDouble$.apply 0.0% 0 + 9 breeze.linalg.DenseVector$$anon$23.apply 0.0% 2 + 4 neuralnetwork.InstanceOfChainNeuralNetwork.apply 0.0% 4 + 0 breeze.linalg.operators.DenseMatrixOps$$anon$41.apply 0.0% 0 + 2 scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$12.newArray 0.0% 2 + 0 breeze.linalg.DenseVector$$anon$5.apply 0.0% 0 + 2 breeze.linalg.operators.DenseVectorOps$$anon$162.apply 0.0% 1 + 0 scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized$class.foreach 0.0% 0 + 1 neuralnetwork.InstanceOfSingleLayerNeuralNetwork.apply 0.0% 1 + 0 UncommonTrapBlob 0.0% 1 + 0 breeze.linalg.DenseVector.$colon$eq 0.0% 1 + 0 breeze.linalg.operators.DenseVector_GenericOps$$anon$368.apply 0.0% 0 + 1 neuralnetwork.dKLd$implDouble$.apply 0.0% 0 + 1 neuralnetwork.NeuronVector.$plus$eq 1.9% 52 + 334 Total compiled

Stub + native Method
39.5% 0 + 7866 com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.daxpy_offsets 29.1% 0 + 5799 com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.dgemv_offsets 28.0% 0 + 5566 com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.dgemm_offsets 0.0% 0 + 5 java.lang.System.arraycopy 0.0% 0 + 3 java.lang.Object.getClass 0.0% 0 + 2 0.0% 0 + 1 java.lang.Thread.currentThread 0.0% 0 + 1 sun.misc.Unsafe.getInt 96.7% 0 + 19243 Total stub

Thread-local ticks: 0.1% 11 Class loader

Flat profile of 0.01 secs (1 total ticks): DestroyJavaVM

Thread-local ticks: 100.0% 1 Blocked (of total)

Global summary of 247.42 seconds: 100.0% 21610 Received ticks 5.2% 1123 Received GC ticks 0.8% 167 Compilation 2.7% 583 Other VM operations 0.1% 12 Class loader